Has anyone figured out a trick for the f1 tunes yet? I’m generally a good driver and have a few top 20 times in the f1 car, but I watch the replays of MLR Tachyon, and the laps that are done look so easy. Aside from being a good driver there must be something in the tuning department that is helping Tachyon’s laps. In forza 4 I figured out a trick with the dampers, and now in forza 5 I’m realizing some similar things, but it just seems like their cars are absolutely glued in turns where mine isn’t, even if they’re flat out turns. High speed or low speed. What do you guys think?
I can’t help much with how to set up an F1 car but if you need a great tune I recomend TRL Mcauley’s Silverstone #1 tune .
Now I’m more of a D to A class driver , but I had a mad urge to thrash an F1 car last sunday afternoon . I used his tune on every track I ran and managed to get the top time without TCS on 6 or 7 tracks .
I’m back to lower class stuff now … you need the reaction times of a fighter pilot to drive those things ! Too much hard work for me
The car really stuck like glue out of the box so you might wanna go back to the start and try again. I just softened mine up a little and adjusted the camber, roll-bars and rebound until I was happy with the handling. Make sure your diff setting are correct as well they seem to matter more in this game than they did before.
I have found I’m not quick enough to drive the car really fast. I can’t seem to downshift fast enough under braking and I end up two gears away from where I need to be. I’m wasting a lot of time on corner entry and exit being in the wrong gear.
Oops I missed the part where your looking for top 20 times. In that case ignore me that’s well over my pay grade! Lol!
You can get Tachyons tune for the lotus, he has 2. I recommend you check out Attax Bombay or Attax Johnson tunes. They are great, also has a great Mazda P car tune.
Hey Tachyon, I tried your Alps 2.0 tune today, shaved a second off my best Alps Festival time. Still can’t figure out how you’re two seconds faster. I think it is in the first corner and the one after the tunnel. Those are the only ones I downshift on, or there is a 3.0 tune that you haven’t shared
Yeah i have about 4 updated versions. One for each track, for example, Club F, Club R, Festival&Stadplatz F, and Festival&Stadplatz R. But they will not be released as of now. Until i hit a 1:07.200 clean, i will not release new versions just yet. But thanks for supporting my tunes guys I will try to keep putting some new ones up!
Are these under your GT or a previous one? I couldn’t seem to find them when I searched for it. Maybe I misspelled the GT though. Thanks for the input guys!
I will go on record saying Tachyon is a good dude.
However while running the same exact tunes he still smokes me. And even showed me a couple spots on one track where I was losing time.
It is all in the line more than the tune. Basically it doesnt matter how fast the tune is if you arent driving the tune to its maximum capabilities.
I can run 4 different top 10 tunes…and I still get the same laptime with each one. I am slowly breaking this cycle by pushing harder. I have shaved a second or more off most of my times.
The reason I got stuck at a certain laptime is habbit…I had a line that ran clean laps and still beats everyone in lobbies…but when i go to rivals and run against better players (Bryce, Tachyon, etc) I realize that just running clean and fast enough to beat most people isnt fast enough.
So its more about finding where I can shave those few seconds off. Some people think that changing tunes will magically shave seconds off your lap times. And unless you are running a really bad tune that will not be the case.
Really there are no solid tunes for this car yet we are still in the phase where we need to learn more about the car still. Besides Tachyon’s alps tune, there aren’t really any emerging supertunes out there yet for this car, but we are close.
I have several tunes…some like tachyon or bryce prefer slightly different setups…but they run similar times on some tracks. Tunes are also tied to a racers driving style.
Obviously if you can push a tune to the edge the limit…thats when a tune starts to shine. Don’t get me wrong I put up good times. However when someone with the same exact tune runes two seconds faster…
That means they are a better driver in skill level…they push the turns harder, have a better line use more of the track to straighten out the turns. They brake late or not at all and have faith in their tires and barely squeak through a turn at an incredible rate of speed.
Using the same tune I am a bit more cautious. Because I found my comfort zone where I can run consistant CLEAN laps. This is the key for a lot of people who want to be faster in my opinion.
You need to learn to run the fastest CLEAN lap that you can possibly run and do it consistantly…and when all your laps have close to the same time…then you find ways to improve on that. That is what I am doing.
I did it on prague and broke 12th place I believe. And all I did was literally find a place to downshift in a different spot and it shaved a second off my lap time. No tune changes.
Obviously having others to share the knowledge with and learn from is of great importance. Regardless of the tune a skill ceiling is something that most people should come to terms with. Most people that outrun you…are simply better.
To be honest, you’re right Xaanit, most of the driving is based upon skill level and knowledge of every corner, thus i excel precisely in. But tunes will always play a positive factor in increasing the dropping of positions on the leaderboards. I may have a supertune for alps, but it can always be better regardless because Bryce got me around stadplatz But in a year from now, im sure i would have crafted some other supertunes
However it isnt like I go from my tune to your tune and start putting up the same laptimes…it doesnt even mean I will be faster.
What it does with the tune. Is give my car the capabilities of a higher speed / lap time. Whether or not I can use that tune effectively…is another story.
No updated tunes are placed under the storefront. You can manually request to use on if you message me over xb1 i would be glad to shoot you a tune. But after you receive it it will be flushed from the public eye
As far as these leaders tunes go I was curious if anyone else has the same issue. If you drive w/o TCS why does the car always spin out in 2nd gear when you exit the apex of a corner?
That’s most likely because most E21 tunes are not made while using no TCS, so the gears are not optimized to do without. And whoever made the tune probably wasn’t worried about spinning on exit.
I’ve just started driving w/o TCS and I’ve had to change my gearing setups to make sure I don’t spin all the time.
Yeah I hate to say it I think I’m gonna use TCS…I mean everyone’s doing it. Logically if F1 cars are not allowed to use TCS I thought everyone would want to mirror real life setups. Boy am I wrong.
Yea, plenty of people are convinced that real F1 cars use TCS. (They don’t. It was banned from the sport.)
But don’t give up on it just yet. It takes a bit more effort, but its far more rewarding to put down a fast lap with no driver assists.
SPxUMADBROYOLO and I have now started tuning with no TCS, and with great results. Check out our tunes or message us sometime. We’d be happy to help you out.
funny thing is, a lot of current f1 cars don’t use a traction control system, but they manage to squeeze in similar affects. As seen here,
Traction control as a specific component is banned but its function is now duplicated by all, with different degrees of success, via engine maps that manipulate torque curves and use partial firing of cylinders to achieve the a similar result. Mapping is one of the black arts of modern racing and one essentially impossible to police.
Even with the insane tech of today’s F1 the old maxims still apply: " if you 'ain’t cheating, you ain’t trying" and " it’s only cheating if you get caught".
So technically, it wouldn’t be that wrong to turn TCS on