If you watch the October streaming with Chris Esaki and Aaron Brooks, you’ll hear how they have plans on working continually on F-Reza Motorsports Through FM7 intomthe future.
Continually updating the software and physics. To achieve more optimal results.
The Tune has come for future iterations to be dimply Moulder into one game. Forza Motorsports. With various branches of it aimed at various ehthuiasts. Such as circuit, Drift, Drag, etc.
By now, FM8 would have been well under way (about 18mths into its production). However, most development is being focused into new physics for FM in general.
They usually nun the release of one game with news of either hardware announcements or the next iterations.
I believe, from what I’ve read and heard, is that the days on continual hardware updates via new consoles are coming to a close, and the game will simply be updated across the more modern platforms.
There was talk of the various games coming from MS being completely cross platform compatible. Meaning phone, tablet, console and PC.
With FMC taking hold in the ESL with the huge competitions now in annually, you’d have to see that the gaming Motorsports industry is changing, like it, or not.
Don’t expect another piece of hardware any time soon. The Xbox zone X is a powerful machine. They’ll be exploiting that fir several years to come before going completely online racing, be it single player or Multiplayer or ESL racing.
There’s a general move in the industry to something that I for one don’t at all like the look of. Smaller studios are being swallowed up by the big guys. Less competition, less diversity etc etc but on a more sinister level, far greater control by the big companies in how the industry operates financially. This trend towards online only gaming isn’t great for the consumer but it’s fantastic if you’re a developer. The consumers rejected ESO when it launched but just look at the upcoming Fallout76. Same studio, same junk, just a few years on. All a developer has to do is create a big map, pepper it with items and then walk away. We all know what happens if you try to play Sea of Theives solo. It just doesn’t work. The absense of a campaign or storyline will basically mean most of these games will be essentially the same with massive trolling, stupid mods and a regular drain on the bank account.
So, back to FM. Sure, they’re currently working on the ForzaTech engine but this work was needed regardless of when FM8 is due to ship. No platform changes - it’s W10 from here on out, and the game is already HDR/UHD. So, what’s to develop? Tracks, cars, game modes and a UI. For a studio the size of T10 this is small potatoes. If the game is being delayed for other reasons such as Scarlet, then I’d wager it’ll be online only. The consensus is that Scarlet will be a cheaper One X capable only of streaming games.
So, the question. Would you pay a monthly subscription for FM if it was MP only. That means no AI at all.
Perhaps this is all a bit sensationalistic but me, I want a nice new FM late next year, just like normal.
There’s no way the next FM game will be multiplayer only, they’re not going to exclude the majority of their audience. The rumour is that there will be two Xbox consoles next gen, the stronger one will be a “normal” console and the other will be the one for streaming.
I think Turn 10’s decision to listen to the community, make changes and stay adding to FM7 is a better decision than dropping it to launch FM8 next year.
There’s no difference in them introducing changes to 7 and working in the background on 8. It’s one and the same thing. Commercially 7 is over and everything T10 are doing, they’re doing for 8. It just so happens that because 8 will run on the same hardware and on the same OS some of their current work will find its way into the current game. This doesn’t explain why 8 would be delayed a year and potentially launch at the same time as FH5.
Never say “there’s no way”. Especially about the gaming world
We don’t know what console/platform FM8 will release on yet. All I can say is that it’s likely a Forza game will launch with the next Xbox, when that is or if it’ll be a FM or FH game is another story.
I normally try to keep an open mind and “never say never”, but there’s far less “advantages” in a racing game going multiplayer only versus something like Fallout 76. Even the majority of the hardcore simracers prefer to play offline (iRacing being the one exception).
Well, actually we do. FM8 will run on W10 and as has been stated many times by MS, consoles will allow backward compatibility. So what would Scarlet possibly offer. VR support, a bit more grunt under the hood and more storage. The streaming version (if it ever appears) would probably be much the same but with limited HD. It’s also likely that many new features wouldn’t be exclusively gaming related.
So, IF FM8 is delayed to launch with the Scarlet Lite (the streaming version) the only way that could work if there were a career/single player option would be if every player had a dedicated server on which to run their game. This is highly unlikely. MP only requires one track and the competitors cars to be downloaded and this is feasible.
I may well be talking out of my proverbial but I’m struggling to see how a streamed FM would work in SP with upwards of a million players wanting to concurrently load “their” game.
FM8 will run on Windows 10 PCs and whatever console/consoles it releases on. Even if everything was running on the same OS, you still need to optimise a game for specific hardware.
There’s no point getting too excited about this next gen streaming console anyway, we basically know nothing about it.
To the original question, yes I’m certain we will see new expansion packs/dlc for Forza 7 at some time in the near future. Just because they aren’t working on FM8 and are working on improving physics etc, doesn’t mean they aren’t working on expansion products. With them now saying FM8 is likely further in the future you can be sure they will release expansions to deliver new content and also to contine new revenue streams.
Actually they never stated they would or would not add any expansions. It’s all up in the air at this point but one can only hope with them continuing to work on FM7 they will hopefully add more content in the way of tracks to this game.
Did they? I know I haven’t followed Forza news as closely as the last few games but I don’t remember seeing this. Not that I would disagree unless it was a free expansion - putting tracks behind a pay wall means they get left out of multiplayer rendering them useless!
To me regardless of what they may have said or not in the past, I just don’t believe that T10 is going to sit on FM7 and do absolutely nothing for 2 more years that would generate additional revenue. Especially now that it sounds like no FM8 in 2019. But I could be wrong who knows… Doesn’t matter to me either way, I’m very happy with the game’s graphics, performance, variety in tracks and cars. I’m a very satisfied customer and sit here with my wallet open ready to throw my money at whatever else may come down the line.
Lets get rid of the baja truck/suv nonsernse, concentrate on the ROAD GOING cars in the game, then bring back the fantasy tracks that enthralled us old-school players from the very genesis of Forza Motorsport. Alpine Ring, Camino, Sedona, Sunset Peninsular, Motegi, Amalfi Coastal and inland tracks, and the big daddy, Fujimi Kaido!
If T10 can bring Maple Valley b ack to life after all these years, what is stopping them from doing trhe same to all of the above listed fantasy tracks. No Licence fees, no contracts, just do it!
Those trucks are essentially there as placeholders.
As for fantasy tracks, what I believe Turn 10 said was stopping Fujimi Kaido coming back was the trees and lighting model. If they were to bring it back the track would be unbelievably demanding.
However I can definitely see FM8 launching on the next generation of Xbox consoles with Fujimi Kaido as the big selling point right off the bat.
For the Horizon series. They add them into the Motorsport games so that they can be tested and easily transferred into horizon or at least that’s what I think. They’ve done this before with other cars except they weren’t released. For example the Aston Martin Vantage GT12 was in FM6 but not drivable.
XBox is W10. There’s no cross platform anymore. Hasn’t been since the first XBox One. Optimisation isn’t even much of a thing anymore particularly after DX12. The XBox is basically a PC with predetermined hardware. This doesn’t take 24 months of development. Development is in other area. What areas remains to be seen.