Expansion 2: Rally Adventure reveal Feb. 23

“Mom, can we have James Pumphrey in Horizon 5?”

“No dear, we have James Pumphrey at home…”
James Pumphrey at home…

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I think it’s safe to say its earned that crown already.


An expansion revolving around Donut Media only would probably be worse than revisiting Lego or an island plagued by bad weather. What exactly would the developers do for a map with a theme like that?


I had a peak on Reddit - this is being universally panned as the laziest, most disappointing update yet. Like, we know you already have our money, but don’t just mock us. :smile::angry:


Downtown L.A. - Where you constantly get pulled over for illegal mods on your car and it gets impounded.


I’ve already decided I’m not buying 6.


I had a feeling an update was going to be universally panned at some point. Though quite frankly, it should’ve come way sooner. Last update I probably enjoyed was the Ferrari one five months ago.


Knowing PG, it’s gonna be a Lego rehash or a bad weather expansion. The game will be somewhat interesting for a week and then everyone will completely forget about it again. They have our money already, they obviously aren’t putting effort into updates anymore.

Donut Media was the final nail in the coffin for me. This game won’t get better. I don’t have much hope for expansion 2. Of course I hope I’m wrong, but I have a feeling it’s gonna be a recycled version of an old idea with more bugs.


Thats a bit harsh but lets say people will have their eyes peeled for the next game. Including me. Id like to think that i wont buy it too but my forza obsession says otherwise. Now knowing the ins and outs of this franchise it gives me a much better perspective. And i think thats the case for many others.

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I don’t hold much hope for the alternatives either. NFS Unbound doesn’t have the physics that I prefer (and honestly the cartoon graphics are a bit much), TDU:SC hasn’t put much info out, so it’s hard to know what to expect, TC2 pushes out a fair amount of content, but otherwise meh. On the sim side of things it’s even more barren, as the only new title announced for the next year has been Rennsport (which is another unknown commodity). Kunos announced a second Assetto Corsa (non Competizione) but news has it not being as mod-able as the first.

Racing games are a niche market (we all know this), some developers stick to the niche, others don’t (Forza). Who was the last true AAA producer that tried to cater to “everyone” and still be successful over long periods of time? Nintendo?


Honestly I don’t understand the community’s negativity. I personally couldn’t have done a better job with FH5 than what you did. We should start learning to appreciate what we get. I don’t even want to imagine how difficult it was to get the RB licensing and the hot wheels expansion is great. I bet the 2nd will be great


Honest question, are you a fan of any of EA’s sports titles?


Passive acceptance is honestly the worst approach to take.


I think you’re spot on unfortunately. Given that it already seems the current “active” player engagement involves logging in after the weekly season change to complete the bare minimum for the latest recycled car until the following week, myself included.
The game has become pretty stagnant just from the sheer repetitive nature of the gameplay & content. Rivals have been one of the last remaining activities I’ve been engaged in just for something to do, but even that is starting to lose its appeal. Kudos & Accolade milestones are also pretty much meaningless so there’s really no motivation there.


The hotwheels expansion was terrible. There was no driving challenge to be had whatsoever. It was all sizzle no steak.

I can think of hundreds of ways this game could improve and a lot of those ideas are simple design decisions. Racing, you know the core of the game, has been ignored and stripped away over the past two iterations of the game. Then last update they give us one, tiny, microscopic step forward, and now we’re back to ignoring it and spending time building mostly irrelevant fluff.

The only reason I’m still around is that I don’t really have a choice. I really want to play an open world racing game with at least half decent physics, and Forza Horizon has zero competition. My only option is to complain on the forums hoping that it’ll force PGGs into remembering this is a racing game.


I made a post a while back that I think really explains the problem with the post campaign content in FH5.


Dead on accurate, right here. Well said.

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I agree, im also not a fan of winning “socks” in a car game!?!

Unfortunatly, since moving to microsoft, PGG’s has lost is focus or been drowned by corperate…
I remember when PGG’s wanted to:
“Make car people, gamers and make gamers, car people”
These days it seems to be:
“Coast on the reputation we built & worked hard for, for an easy injection of money”

It dont understand why game studios can not see the “forest through the tree’s”… the majority of players are casual gamers sure… but the gamers who KEEP YOUR GAME ALIVE are the passionate ones who play daily, weekly, monthly… yet EVERYTIME… its play to the casuals… design for the casuals… progression? - no casuals wont like that!.. i mean C’MON!! really… again!..

Im worried about the future of Horizon to be honest… if FH6 doesnt land well… i fear it maybe the last one for many people… the only saving grace they have, is the lack of competition… at the moment!..


You have my respect for lasting until now.

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I have no idea what the next expansion will have except for one thing. I do know this for a fact. The new expansion will definitely contain several bugs. That you can bank on!