Expanding Upon EventLab's Rules of Play

Apologies for this list of suggestions within this post, but as they’re all related to Rules of Play this is probably preferable to spamming the suggestions forum with each one individually.

  • The ability to include player names and variable values in notification/objective/HUD text.
    • Related to the above, a player variable for a player’s GamerTag.
  • A setting for if score is shown on the leaderboard when standard scoring is disabled, as at the moment only the standings are displayed.
  • A current speed variable for the player (among other things this would be great for those wanting to set up things like pit stops).
  • The ability to set a King-like attribute/icon to a player/players (would allow for a range of modes to be created, especially in combination with being able to display player names).
  • A new “Drift Completed” rule which outputs values such as drift score, drift duration and if the player stayed on the road (would allow for a range of modes to be created with this information).
    • Having this information available as conditions (like we already do for last checkpoint passed/last skill grade etc) would also be helpful.
  • The ability to hide decimal points in HUD values.
  • The ability to show decimal points in final standings values when standard scoring is disabled (currently always shows to zero decimal places).
  • The ability to display default time/laps/percentage completed with standard standard disabled.
  • The ability to force simulation damage on/get damage values.
  • The ability to set a prop/props as “persistent” (for example, if a ball is hit once it will never register being hit again).
  • Ability to get player cars stats such as PI, power and weight.

Good suggestions as it stands the creative power is fairly limited outside of custom routes with extra steps.
On my wishlist:

  • a way to enable car modes in custom events (mostly for the AMG One)
  • speed limiter to create slow zones, example: recreating a Dakar stage implementing the slow zone at checkpoints
  • expanding upon that, a way to control player input, example: when the player enters a sandstorm you emulate the wind pushing the car with small jolts in the steering like how The Crew 2 does it in the Into the Storm events, or to keep the player car stationary for the duration of a simulated pit stop you hold the brake and force throttle off
  • set player location, to nearest checkpoint or some prop helper
  • tickbox objectives as used in expeditions or the monster truck stadium event