I played some custom events, some of them very cool. I can create various rules (stupid or perfect, almost whatever). BUT it needs more freedom and features i think.
- Possibility to create event from any place you want
- Create and customize spawn points for commands
- Add timer/stopwatch and possibility to refer to them, make calculations even if i can create it on its own (but it’s a bit difficult to create)
- Add damage bar and possibility to refer to.
- Add fuel bar which changes depending on revs and other engine parameters
- Add world leaderboards, which turned off by default and player could enable it and use time or custom variable in it.
- Do something with the spam, farm events which flush out very good events. People spend a lot of time to create good event.
- Add possibility to group objects and copy these groups
- Add ‘stars’ function (disabled by default) and ability to customize requirements (for example 15 points for 1 star, 22 for 2 stars and 30 for 3 stars)
- Add ability to create custom championships, campaigns, rules for them and requirements (or not) to open them (for example to open campaign 2 you must gain 20 stars in campaign 1)