Exceeding 60 FPS cap in multiplayer on PC

Bug Info: Some players are able to run the game at higher than 60 FPS in multiplayer. 72 FPS and 100 FPS has been seen on live streams

Platform: PC
Edition: Premium, Add-Ons
Account: solo account
Peripheral: Controller
Settings: Performance mode, all assists off apart from braking line
Xbox Settings: no parental controls
Attempted fixes: none
Content Update: Happened before and after update

It’s the one bug I hope doesn’t get fixed :grinning:


Have the affected players demonstrated an unfair pace advantage in races?

Why have you Xbox details if the bug is on pc?

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It sounds like they meant that they are doing crossplay between Xbox and PC and the PC players they are playing with are not being capped at 60 FPS (I am on PC and also notice it doesn’t seem capped in multiplayer). So, in theory, this is giving the “unfair advantage” that had been mentioned by Turn10.

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It has been demonstrated in previous Forza titles as the physics engine and timing is tied to FPS. I can’t see any other reason for them to attempt to limit it for this game


U can increase fps limit by using specific refresh rate on your monitor settings in windows, all u have to do is to set monitor to display 100hz. 144hz monitors get 72 fps cuz its half of 144. If u have for eg 200hz monitor u will get 100fps in game since its half of 200. The way multi calculates framerate limit is based on initial refresh rate, if equall or higher than 120, limit fps to half.


I’m pretty sure that’s not a bug. It just defaults to half of the refreshrate of your monitor as Akatoyaa said. Also the Xbox Series X is capable of 120FPS, so I dont see an issue there either.

The game runs at 60 FPS on Series X, and the devs said FPS was going to be locked to 60 in multiplayer, but there are ways to circumvent that restriction. The physics engine is directly tied to FPS, and you can achieve slightly quicker lap times with higher FPS. I don’t see how this isn’t an issue.


Solution? 120fps perfomance mode on x series :sunglasses: lets be honest here, more fps is better in any competive game. Idk why they all try to limit fps to 60 in new games, i would rather play multi on min settings and 100+ fps, than to play max settings 60 fps. And ray tracing is pointless in this game.

Easier way: You can also just use the 60 FPS (V-Sync) option in the graphics menu. Then you are capped to the actual monitor refresh rate (144 Hz etc).

hi geilomat3OOO
are you sure of that ? I tried the 60 fps (vsync) but I m still capped to 60 fps in multiplayer :frowning:
240 Hz screen

It seems that this issue is still happening. Does this give advantage to pc player vs xbox ones?

60 fps and 72 fps not much of a difference. I have a 144hz monitor, I get 72fps.

however, can’t say the same for Rivals event.

Hope they fix this in order to have the same settings across all platforms to guarantee a fair online multiplayer.

But they said they fixed fps related issues with physics, so regardless of fos u should have same performance, tho I’m still playing with 100 fps cuz pc master race

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If physics online works the same both at 60 and 100 fps, there’s no problem at all. I hope that’s the case.

Did little test on acceleration, and it seems the same after update 10. I can test overall lap times difference hmm… Yeah I will do it when I got time.

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I tested it and got similar lap times [margin of error] with 100 and 60 fps, even got 0.1s faster lap time with 60 fps, even tho for me it looks like slide show so i had hard time adjusting to it. [i streamed whole test, but gotta do time links to specyfic laps]

100fps hot lap:

60fps hot lap:

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now we just need to unlock fps in multiplayer, and we can enjoy motosport in its full glory.

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