Capped FPS multiplayer not true?

So online is not capped to 60fps for everyone PC guys still getting above that apparently

are you sure about that sir, and.

Shhh, maybe it’s a secret?


I’ve done one featured multiplayer race so far and it was capped at 60. Perhaps private multiplayer is different.

Pc guys on my friends list are telling there getting 190fps

:confused: need better proof than that tbf.

I did find this from today

“Interestingly, when played at higher refresh rates (144Hz+) multiplayer is capped at 72 FPS instead. It is unclear if this is intended or an oversight by the devs.”

Don’t know the site so maybe grain of salt with article but not seeing anything else regarding >60fps in mp

I think only in private multiplayer it’s not

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I think it was Fail Race who said FPS on PC is some multiple of your monitor’s refresh rate. I believe some other YouTuber (Hoki Hoshi) said it earlier before the previews were shown. When the official word came out, it appeared that 60FPS was the law of the land. Good to see that PC will be able to go higher than 60FPS. My monitors top out at 165hz. So that is probably 82 for me. COOL!!!

One more thing. 165 is also a multiple of my monitor’s refresh rate. It would be nice if the game can give me that in multiplayer…

Just sayin. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I confirm it s not capped @60 fps in multiplayer : in fact it depends refresh rate of the screen : 144hz → capped to 72 fps , 165 Hz → capped to 82 fps , but it seems the max is 100 fps (200 hz → capped to 100 fps)
but if your refresh rate is multiple of 60 hz , u ll be capped @60fps…
my monitor is 240 HZ and I m capped to 60 fps in multiplayer !

Thanks for this. Seeing Forza’s FPS counter constantly changing got annoying, so I turned Steam’s overlay on and use that to monitor the FPSs. I am usually too distracted to look at the refresh rate I have on my side screen.

Just cap your monitor hz to 100, the game will run at 100 fps on multiplayer (this its the limit).

Not even the 60 FPS lock its working properly… total disaster of a game.

I confirm but I really hope they ll remove this stupid fps lock @60fps , at least they should cap @100 fps.
Cos I must change my frequency everytime I launch the game (Like I said , @240Hz I m cap @60 fps in game :confused: )