Environment - Track seams can be seen on some tracks - Road America, Suzuka & Maple Valley

When racing at Suzuka with cloudy weather in the morning (the 2nd race in the Track Day featured event), you can see the lines that make up the track build.

PC (can confirm that this is also present on Xbox Series X)

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I can confirm this on Xbox Series X. Same For Mapple Valley when it’s foggy.


I’ve noticed this in foggy conditions mostly during the day:

White dotted lines running across the track every few hundred metres as if the track is built in patches.

Series X, performance RT. Haven’t checked in performance and visuals mode.

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Yes ive seen this to on a few tracks seen this on fm6 but not fm7 its the track as you said the way they build tracks in sections they haven’t done a good job at closing the gaps it leaves a white pin line did rivals on maple valley the show case redone track and the pin lines are atrocious so is suzooka and there is a black headless driver suit appearing in some cars in cockpit view obscuring drivers hands and part ot steering wheel I’m hoping these will be fixed…


Have noticed in Suzuka with Sun down, Maple Valley and road América. Deppending of the light, the construction lines are visible. Xbox series x, performance RT and visual modes


Yes, yes, yes, confirm that.

Not fixed with 2.0 uptaded unfortunately

This happens on several tracks with Road America, Suzuka & Maple Valley bieng the worst offenders.
Please vote folks.

I play on Xbox Series S. There is track surface tearing on some tracks in the game, like track parts are not properly aligned and there is a gap between them.
I experienced that on Suzuka, Mape Valley and some other tracks too. I’ll keep this report updated with places where it happens. Can’t collect them all at once as recording is a little tricky.

Watkins Glenn also exhibits this issue.


Indeed! It has already been reported more than a month ago:

Also happens in Road America & Watkins Glenn.

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I’m guessing that this won’t be fixed in Update 3.0 given that it doesn’t show up in the changelog/patch notes…

Still not fixed after update 3.0!

Please vote for this issue

You can also add the Nurburgring which also exhibits this in one particular turn.

Also om xsx
It was since 1997 that i dont see this type of glitch…thank you t10 for your perfect work…

Daytona seems to have something similar. Not a straight white line of one pixel width but a clusters of white pixels on the oval (light seems to pass-through them especially during sunset) . Le Man’s Mulsanne straight also has those random white pixels.
That’s on Series X in Performance RT mode.

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So Turn10 is never going to acknowledge this?

Visual confirmation that Daytona has this issue.
Xbox Series X :

Zoomed in closer: