Duplicate livery bug

I’ve ran into the limit for liveries, which is annoying enough, but my livery list has multiple duplicates of the same livery that I’ve shared. Is there any way to delete the duplicate without un-sharing my creation and loosing its statistics?
This occurred because i could not find the livery in My Files, because there is no search options :roll_eyes:. i searched instead in the Find New Liveries menu, searching my name and car. the game doesn’t see that it is already downloaded, so downloads a second copy of the same livery, listing it twice in My Files.

You’ve to download the duplicate, unshare and then delete it.

I think that’s not the answer to the question.

I have the same problem, but I can think of a way around it. I just have to test it.
→ Seems to work. Read everything before doing it and make sure you understand everything. And feel free to ask if any uncertainties remain.

  1. So the problem is you have to multiple copys of a livery in the my designs section:

    As you can see, I have 6 times the same livery.

  2. My idea. Apply one livery to the car, change the livery and override the slot.

  3. Get in the fitting car and apply one of the liveries. (I just bought a new one and got in it):

  4. Go into the liveryeditor and do a change to the livery, e.g. add a logo. When going out of the editor select “save to current car”:

  5. The changed slot should now be first in the my designs list, and there should be less duplicates:

  6. Get into another car to get the delete option and delete the modified livery:

  7. The modified livery should have been removed from my designs and the car.

  8. Check the stats of the remaining liveries:

As you can see the stats are still there and the livery is still im my creative hub.

  1. Repeat if needed.

  2. Optional: Delete the clean car to not clutter your garage, you have a car limit as well:


  3. Vote for more save slots in the suggestestion hub :sweat_smile::
    Increase File Limit - 500 Limit for a game that launched with 500+ cars? [FH5 ✅]


A summary

When you modify a shared livery it disconnects the local instance from the uploaded instance.

So take a car and load the copy. Make a change. Repeat for each of the duplicates. When you are done load the car with the original instance that is shared with the stats. When you delete the rest there should be no warnings for unsharing or that it’s on a car in your garage.

The livery and tune management is frustrating

@AbsorbedSpy2305 very nicely detailed directions. I find it risky to delete with the warning about it being on a car. I’ve lost liveries this way by thinking I was right when I wasn’t. So with the possibility that it’s a prize car where getting a second may be difficult or expensive I find it safer to just use one car.