HELP!! Livery locked

Hey guys i been working on a design for a while and i shared it now it wont let me edit it and its my own i searched here for livery locked but found nothing searched the old trust google and found nothing as well just seeing if there is a fix or any of yall ran into the same or similar issue?

thanks in advance

If you are using a portion of a Vinyl, for instance, which you obtained from another user, your Design will be locked because of that content. You can only Share items which you have created yourself, not in combination with other player’s Shared creations. Check the contents you’re using.

That doesn’t appear to be the poster’s problem, Snowowl. Allegedly, the poster’s creation became locked to his/herself after sharing it. I’ve never heard of this issue before, otherwise I’d offer advice.

Maybe, so the next question is: Have you gone to the item in your own list and Unshared it?

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yes i unshared it and i am not using someone elses content i have already started over… tried to figure it out but nothing worked

I’ve done this to myself. I know at one point in “my paints” I had two copies of the same thing for some reason. I deleted my unshared one and it disappeared from my car so I then applied the shared one and I wasn’t allowed to edit it. If I remember right it was on the '70 Corvette. I’ve had two copies created somehow on other cars and deleted the one listed as unshared and not had the locked problem.

Every car I paint generates two saves. One just says Forza livery in the description. I believe what is happening is if you exit you are asked to save. And apply to car. This creates an auto save - the file named Forza livery. When you then go to save the design you then create a specific save of your own.

I seem to be finding that if you delete the Forza livery version of your save that deletes the design from the car you had it on. Re applying it then seems to recreate that dummy file. The design might be locked if you delete the wrong save, effectively deleting your own work. The save to the car, the Forza livery save , still remains but it behaves like a design you have downloaded. Hence no access to it.

In essence you have deleted the work you want to edit.

i had the same problem, my own design is locked from me, and its all my graphics

If you downloaded your own graphics in game ie I made a decal of my name and went to get it on the storefront thing it will be locked for some reason

Everything downloaded is locked on the “storefront” - even your own work. You need to save the design to be able to edit it later.

This thread is very informative. I have wondered why I couldn’t share some of my own designs…now I know.

This is a bit odd to me, mostly the part about it creating two saves for everyone’s liveries as it would seem is happening. I’ve never seen it do that before. Are you giving your file a unique name before you save it, or just letting the game “default” the name each time? Also, are you sharing it every time you back out or making sure you unshare the “old” livery Before adding the new one? Not doing that has been shown to cause issues (which is why they ask you to unshare a livery before an edit in the T10 comps)