So the problem in short is basically i made a design for a peugeot 205 t16 and shared it to the storefront.

I then went onto the storefront to confirm if it had also applied my selected cosmetic upgrades, which it had.

However, while checking this i had somehow (and stupidly) pressed A confirming to download the design.

Now this is the issue, the design had the same file name as my editable file thus overriding it but what i don’t get is i am unable to edit it no more as when i try im told it is locked.

But from the my designs section it says it is not locked and i am still able to share as if normal.

Any pointers?

the shared file is always locked. remove the paint job from the car and apply the save file that isn’t locked.

In the design catalogue the only design i have says it isn’t locked but when i load and i try to edit anything it says it is locked and removes the whole design.

so guessing from what I’ve found even though the game knows who the design owner is i cant edit it so im going to need to start again. Great!

Anything from t10? Possible fix?

Anything downloaded from the storefront is locked - even your own work.