Q: “Will FM7 have the rubberbanding effect? I want to beat AI clean outright.”
A: “No rubbber banding. Players have more control over Drvatar behavior and professionalism.”
That’s great news. Still looking for an answer on whether we can pick out AI opponents vehicles (ideally from our garage). That said, I would probably be happy with just a few tweaks to the Horizon blueprint system, namely stock/not stock and grid order.
Based on early races I think this option is backwards.
The option is “Limit Aggression” so I turned it ON with the expectation that it would Limit the drivatars Aggression. It absolutely didn’t, I was getting run off the road, smashed into under braking, basically just destruction derby.
I went back to the options and there’s a tool tip “Toggles if opponent Drivatars will race with aggressive tactics, like blocking or sideswiping.”, wait a minute that translates to “Enable Aggression”, not Limit it. So I turned the option back OFF.
Glorious!!! Clean starts, hardly any shunting (mostly me braking too late up the inside), and most importantly, good enough to turn up the difficulty and actually RACE. Just hoping it stays that way now
Please tell me someone has heard of some kind of news of some improvements to the A.I in this game …surely !!
So sick of racing the A.I on unbeatable and they do stupid errors like braking on straights and crashing on the same spot on every lap !!
If theres one thing that needs to get better on this game its the A.I . Making the excuses that there drivatars and there copying how people really drive is
total rubbish cop out as the good drivers in the game know where the braking points and apexes are to atleast some extent . Having the Drivatars
on the highest level and its like there going round the track for the first time complete with all the mistakes . Good players on here DONT drive like
the Unbeatable Drivatars …End of story !!
Will Forza 7 have an alternative AI system? Since forza 5 they implemented the Drivatar system, which on paper sounds great, an AI that behave like real people, but in the end, it sucks because you go race offline and it looks like a public lobby with all the cars crashing into each other. I’m the only one that doesn’t like Drivatars?
No you’re not. I don’t think anyone has much love for them.
This is one of the things I’ll be waiting to see if they’ve fixed, before deciding whether to buy Forza 7.
If online was worthless because of driver behaviour, and offline is worthless because of drivatar behaviour, what is left… not a lot. Only as a hotlap simulator, and I already have Forza 5 and 6 for that. Or as a car collection simulator so I can collect again all the cars I already collected twice in 5 & 6…
I definitely miss the old consistent AI from Forza Motorsport 4 and back. You set the difficulty to the level you could handle and they consistently drove. I also liked how the drivers specifically were consistent. There was that M. Rossi guy that you could always count on being at the top and there were some other backmarkers you could always know we’re going to be at the bottom. It gave you some idea and feel of real racing as you knew which guys were faster and how you had to race against them. Additionally their driving and passing were very consistent and helped you when you were trying to get around them.
My thoughts exactly. I’m surprised this hasn’t been talked about more…
It made the single player mode unplayable. So I hope that this new control that was mentioned will fix the problem, because the game is amazing but drivatar opponents ruins it. Also makes it impossible to learn proper racing technique when the AI is constantly slamming into you.