I don’t have the picture of it but back in FH2 & FH3 there was these Pikachu as an anime humanoid girl designs any help would be greatly appreciated
@BravoSteelviper or @Bravo437 would be the best options I guess.
Steelviper does some great work with stuff that most wouldn’t even try but this might be a bit too detailed to do. Would take a lot of time and layers to build.
I think you need a less detailed image and maybe something more car related and more towards the Acceptance and Awareness theme on the first pic over the second.
nah you down bad bro thats crazy
if your really that down bad tho hit up valentino he’d do it for you, probabky for free lol
I just now realized that I should’ve mentioned about DLC car’s as well do you or anyone you know who can do free and DLC car’s?
I’m sorry for replying extremely late but Valentino who exactly?
I just mentioned @BravoSteelviper or @Bravo437 because I’ve had some great designs from them in the past. There’s a ton of great livery designers out there - too many to list - that would all be perfect for the job though but, as I mentioned, it’s a bit detailed and not to everybody’s taste. Try looking through the livery designers and see who’s into that kind of livery. I’ve seen many that do that manga stuff.
Oh ok well thanks for clarifying that for me I really do appreciate it a whole lot