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First time posting on this forum but, This is my first Original Design that was inspired by my liking to the whole blade runner, Miami heat, retro wave style genre’s.
I’ve done designs before but they’re mainly racing team-inspired ones.
Not the Final Design as of yet still need to work on the Forza edition text and some other fixes but id say it’s almost done.
I’ve heard there are competitions that happen on here and id also like to somehow apply to it. don’t know yet how to tho lol.
I like what you’ve got so far, the colours go well
Entry into the comps is pretty straightforward really, all you have to do is post in the relevant threads, taking into account their specific rules of course. There’s a weekly one which is pinned at the top of the page and also look out for PTG’s comp too, details here.
Have fun and welcome to the forum
Good decal detail, drop tones on palms are nice and don’t conflict, good work. Love the Kappa-esque figures on the front, too.
Just keep an eye on this forum for contests. There is usually one every month (sometimes twice) with a theme. There was just a World History theme contest and a Herbie the Love Bug contest that just finished (voting is going on now). The Herbie contest is on facebook with the Forza Livery Group. I believe Discord also has contests. There is also a weekly contest with no theme (search the forum for weekly livery contest and you should find it).