Anime designs

Hi I’m looking to see if there are any creators out who might be interested in making a couple of designs in exchange for some cars. The requested design are : Rias Gremory, Saeko Busujima, and Satellizzer El Bridget. Keep in mind that I would like just the vinyl groupings and not a whole livery. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks and keep drifting fun!!!

Exchange for cars? You cannot gift cars on Forza Motorsport 6.

Maybe you can’t?

Who can’t be sarcastic, Americans, hmph…

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American who?

That’s just sad. The Who were British, and the Guess Who were Canadian…

Well … Can anyone be able to make the designs?

There are a few in here that excel at anime. I suggest you locate them and ask through PM’s perhaps?

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Any helpful hints as to who they might be? Trying not to sound like a complete noon but this is my first time being on a forum…

Check the threads that start with [Fantasy] and find someone’s style you like and then PM them. Added bonus is they are already doing stuff similar to what you’re looking for. I can stripe all day but I can’t do a likeness of anything beyond a light bulb maybe.

Thank you for help, I’ll definitely look out for that. If you can stripe, think you could do some old school lowrider
stripes for the 64 Impala?

Hmm, I did some back in Fm4… I’ll have to revisit that perhaps…

That would be awesome man. Thank you…