This post not to report, ticket system is there for that and fine with that. Intent is to know if some others here are experiencing this or not. Since update every single time I finish a Free For All Adventure , I get message that I am disconnected.
This issue is troublesome to me also. I would much rather prefer to have the option to be kept with the party I had just raced with and continue to a ‘next’ adventure [like in FH3] sometimes there is a great lobby racing, playing and communicating in friendly manner that I would like to stay with; sometimes I would like the chance to race again with the same people, maybe trying to redeem myself from a losing adventure. I would like the choice of continuity instead of having to first join a ‘Horizon Life’ session and from there enter into another adventure with totally random players. this would also allow for smoother flow and quicker frequency of races as a high percentage of time is wasted joining the various steps to your next race.
Just uninstall the game. After having a look around the new version, I see no reason to reinstall it.
I haven’t seen this level of incompetence since I walked away from Zynga games. It’s kind of like EA games telling their player base “if you don’t like it, don’t play it”.
I instantly removed my EA access account and haven’t looked back. This is without a doubt the last Forza anything I purchase. And since it’s completely unplayable in it’s current state, it’s most likely to end up uninstalled and forgotten about.