Did you guys take the steering wheel out of the cars?

Please tell me you didn’t ruin this game and take the drivers hands and steering wheel / 1st person view away…

Now why would you think that

Helps to read all comments in a thread

Not just one

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It’s an option to take them out, and I will do that when i play on my wheel only.


It’s just an optional new camera view. The view with the steering wheel and hands is still there.


I very much hope they allow to display wheel&hands in the new dashboard view though.

I understand why they are hidden (wheel users), but it seems like a good view I`d like to use playing with the controller as well.
With a controller it looks kinda odd to stare at a dashboard with no wheel.

Its an option to not have them if read the 2 previous posts before yours

I think he’s says that he likes the new dash cam view but he would prefer an option to use that view with the wheel and hands still there.

Unfortunately, as others have mentioned, the only view with hands and steering wheel is the normal cockpit view. The new dash cam does not.

It’s a shortcut - rather than implement proper hand-over-hand wheel animation, they ditched the wheel view altogether for a zoomed in dash view. At least wheel users should see the cockpit wheel turning properly though Assetto Corsa (gosh, don’t crucify me for bring it up on a Forza forum) already has accurate hand-over-hand animations even if you use a pad.

I for one will enjoy the wheel being able to not be seen,it always bugged me watching 2 wheels,now I don’t have to,i think its great,this new view.


Well, good for you guys. :slight_smile:

Not so much for us pad users.

What’s the issue for pad users? Just use the normal dashboard view. It’s still there.

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Its not an issue, but a wasted opportunity (if there is no hide/unhide option, which we dont know for sure yet).

Some Pad users might enjoy that new view (I know I do from other games) but it looks off without the ingame wheel displayed.
Also, not all Wheel users prefer the ingame wheel hidden.

There are two different views. One with hands, one without. Pick your poison.


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Yes … going by the E3 videos a close dashboard view without wheel/hands, and our usual cockpit view.
Why not make both a viable option for everyone?

Btw, this “just pick the other view” thing is a bit pointless. By that logic we don`t need a cockpit view either, because hey, you can still use third person.

You argument makes no sense, you can use both views as a controller user and both views as a wheel user. They are viable options for both.

Pick which view you prefer regardless of what control method you have. Problem solved.


Oh my…

Yes, youre right, both views are viable in theory. As in, you can select them. Doesnt mean it`s optimal, or suitable for everyone.

Some players would prefer to play with the new dash view, but with wheel/hands displayed.
Others might prefer the old cockpit view, but without wheel/hands.
How does anyone have a problem with more options ?

The new dash cam is quite obviously designed for wheel users with the screen positioned directly behind the wheel. I fail to see what benefit a pad user would have using the new view but with a steering wheel in view. Just use the regular cockpit view.

IMO it’s the same as pad users using sim steering which is quite clearly designed for wheel users. Hence “sim”. There is no benefit to it other than making life harder for yourself.

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You fail to see the benefit?
The regular cockpit-view is too far back and the interior block to much of the view for my own taste. I still like to use that view because it gives me the best immersion, but it is still not perfect. The new dashboard-view is exactly what Im looking for, I still get the immersion of sitting inside the car, but with the added benefit of having a good view.

Only problem is, as a pad user, I would prefer to see the steering wheel + hands, it looks a bit wierd and feels like something is missing if its not there. An option to turn steering wheel + hands on/off would be optimal for everyone.

I fail to see what you would benefit from not having an on/off option avalible? Why even question it? =/

No, it’s not the same at all, terrible analogy.


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…People have different tastes…

Just because I usually use cockpit view doesn`t mean that hood and third person view are useless and can be removed.

Benefit? E.g. dashboard view lets you see more of the track than the classic cockpit view. Less of the screen is obstructed by interior, yet you still get an inside-the-car feeling.


I’m all for more options but if they had the wheel and hands rendered on the new dash veiw it’s literally going to block half the screen

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