Developers, aren't you ashamed?

I would like to ask you, dear developers of this piece of game. What have you been doing for so many years that you just managed to bury the Forza Motorsport franchise with one game? How could you manage to collect so many bugs and shortcomings in one game? After the last patch, the game began to freeze more often and crash to the desktop (bought the game for 100 € in the microsoft store), DLSS does not work (constantly changes to FSR). I have high-end PC (Intel Core i9-13900K, Nvidia GeForce RTX 4090, 32 GB DDR5) and still I can’t play your game without frame drops. A game that doesn’t have anything that puts a lot of stress on my PC. It’s just a circular track and a maximum of 24 cars. Tell me please, are you not ashamed of optimization?


Where’s the downvote button?


For what? Your pointless comment?


Should contact kleenex and tell them about this forum. Big business incoming.


Forum is merely a reflection of the product being sold for hard earned money.

If it was an early access F2P like it should be, I think most would care a whole lot less.


Forum is a reflection of the community, as the bad behavior in multiplayer is. I dont believe that T10 is the biggest problem here.


LOL even if the forum was all sunshine & rainbows, and even if every multiplayer lobby was full of only clean racers, that would still do nothing whatsoever to make this game any better.


Bring the kleenex on, I must cry for how tragically bad this game is


A cesspool of negativity that seems to be contagious. Meanwhile they dropped an update that fixed most everything that made the game unplayable (for myself anyways, I’m sure some still have issues - calm down) so they just move to the next thing they can find wrong with it :upside_down_face:


Found a dlss fix,go to select resolution,head all the way to the left and select windows native resolution instead of a numerical value of 3840x2160.DLAA and DLSS now stick and actually work.Found this on steam forum and tried it,you have good hardware and should have no troubles setting max detail at 4k with dlss/quality or perhaps even dlaa.Give it a whirl m8.


Thats why If I find a fix I’ll share it privately,too much hate and venom in here for healthy people.Nothing productive happening.Someone found out how to fix dlaa and dlss and make it stick,works too!


OMIGOSH!!! I’m NOT the only one who hating all the hate! No, the game isn’t perfect… yes, they should have finished it before releasing it, BUT it isn’t near as bad as folks are making it out to be.

Folks need to differentiate between idiots in multiplayer who don’t know their belly button from an apex and Turn10…

I’m glad to have a new Forza game to play instead of still waiting! I look at their list of known issues and can choose to be patient. YYEEESSSSSS, they shouldn’t have to fix it after release, but now that it’s here, let’s give them a chance to resolve things!


If the people who are actually doing the coding are anything like the programmers I know, they probably would have an entirely different approach. They would likely handle things very differently… But they aren’t the ones to blame for the issues. They might be ashamed, but they aren’t the ones you should be trying to shame! It’s their bosses and the people who sign their paychecks that make the decisions of what should be worked on, what changes should be made and the priority that should be put on those changes.


Right, I actually came on here just to vote for new cars and maybe find people to race with. I didn’t know :joy:

Yes. So, where are Chris Esaki and Dan Greenawalt to step forward and be the leaders that they should be? That’s part of the job, after all.


I can’t disagree… but they have shareholders, accountants and their bank accounts to answer to… not to mention the job of balancing what they think should be addressed vs what the think their developers are able to address vs what the community is asking/demanding. In a perfect world, they would be motivated to help bring around the best experience for the players… but this isn’t a perfect world…


This is why indie devs and independent studios make the best games, answer to nobody


Downside being a lack of budget too… but you’re not wrong!

You’re right. This isn’t a perfect world. Which makes their absence all the more inexplicable and indicting.

Whether they like it or not, they are the faces of Forza Motorsport 2023. A case could even be made that Esaki is the face of this game. Their continued silence speaks volumes about this game’s outlook, and none of it’s good.


Unless you’re Rockstar! I have a feeling that as this trend of money grab game releases becomes more and more frowned upon we may start to see more studios leave corp $ to go back to og game development. Because somewhere there are people that are still more passionate about the game than they are the money. At least I hope so.