Design/Paint Mode for current and up coming Forza Horizon and Motorsport

Hello Devs…

First of all I’d like to thank you all for implementing designing/painting features in FH5, which now is possible for anyone to make paint some areas of the car with glossy color and some other areas with matte colors (or vice versa) with the help of using vinyl layers, masking tool (since FH4) and the latest addition to be able to choose vinyl material feature are just awesome!! Thank you!!

The 1st thing I’d like to suggest is;

I would love if it would be possible for FH5 and/or the next FH6 (FM as well); for the game to have an advance Design/Paint mode available to choose, which in this mode the game would disable all weather day and night conditions for designing/painting especially at the car port (excluding Festival garage), so we can have better environment lighting for design/paint purpose, not too shiny on one side of the car and not too dark on the other side of the car.

The reasoning for suggesting this feature is because the game already have many difference effect of lightning and reflections when the car in motions while gaming, at photo mode, and at painting applying liveries when designing how the car would look like when the wrap livery finalized. And in addition to that, for own my personal reason… I’m 53 yrs old now and my sights are not like when at my prime anymore, so for me in FH5 most of the time I found it quite annoying when checking the vinyl liveries colors were different from one side of the car to the other side and it’s even more different when the car was in motion, sometimes it seems like I just made transparent vinyl stickers. The vinyl material tool does help when the car is travelling in motion, but not much when applying at the carport.

The 2nd suggestion would be;

I know it would be impossible to please everyone because not everyone has the same taste, what I mean for this is for rims and windows tint coloring. To complete and finalized wrap and paint design, these rims and windows tint coloring are also essential to the final outcome of the car would look like. Some would align with the coloring I chose and some would not.

Therefore I’d like to suggest that for these rims and windows tint coloring, to make some rims models chosen by the designer locked or attached to the wrap design when sharing, and unlock to free the windows tint color to the liking of anyone whom download and use it.

For example I often chose blue or green for windows tint color matched to my design, but not everyone would be happy, therefore I’d suggest for anyone to be free to change or remove the windows tint color I put along the wrap design whenever they like.

And as for the rims coloring, because the game has hundreds of rims models to choose for, I can understand that allocating each color to each part section of the rims may not be to the same exact part section location when using different rims model. Therefore I would suggest for completing and finalizing the wrap design before uploading and sharing it, the designer would have the privilege to choose several rims model attached to his/her wrap design.

For example, if I pick 10 rims model that I think would be the perfect match for my wrap design by buying them, if I painted all the 10 rims model white, these 10 rims model would then be locked and attached to the wrap design I shared, by then anyone whom download and use my wrap also chose 1 of the 10 rims I painted white, then it would be shown the same as I painted white when the user apply 1 or all 10 of them, should the user didn’t chose any 1 of the 10 rims model I chose, then their chosen rims will go with the default rims color determined by the game…

That would also includes, if I paint 1 (or more) of the 10 rims I chose with aluminum polished lips, gold center piece, then 3 of them I paint all white, 2 of them all black, 2 of them all gold or silver, 2 of them red, then every color I chose for some specific rims model will also be applied, only the rest of rims model that I didn’t choose will goes with the game rims default colors.

The reasoning I’m suggesting this is so the designer won’t need to make 2 or more copies of their wrap designs with different rims and windows tint colors.

And the 3rd suggestion would be;

To lock up the aftermarket body kit or individual front and rear bumpers side skirts, hoods etc attached to the selected wrap design. So if the designer decides to make his/her wrap design complete with some certain models of aftermarket body kit, then the user would need the same aftermarket body kit as well with the game automatically applied the same parts of body kit and asked the user to buy them in order to fit the wrap as is suppose to. This option shall be available only when the wrap designer made his/her wrap with the aftermarket body kit installed to the car model when applying.

Alright then, I think that would be all that I’d like to suggest for Design/Paint mode for FH5 and the next upcoming FH6 and FM, I’ll add more details when needed, thanks in advance Devs…

Adding more details to my 1st suggestion; the purpose of disabling day time night time cycles including weather cycles…

Here’s some snapshot examples, on bright sunny day for comparisons between left side vs right side of the car when editing applying vinyl liveries;

The shiny reflections almost make my stripes looks like a transparent with the vinyl color I’ve chosen…

But on the other side… it’s totally a different color;

It just too bright makes the stripes looks like painted in white color rather than light blue, if I darken the one on this side, then it would be even more transparent on the other side (even with the car parked let alone when in motion travelling)…

To workaround these too bright to shinny reflection issues, some times I have to go to different house, and here what it looks like in the other house;

Now this looks like the white stripe in the previous house, but when I changed side in this house,

It doesn’t look like it’s transparent color, it looks good actually… sometimes it did made me to change the stripe color altogether, but how do I make the one on the other side it would exactly look like this? Because then I would need to change the color code formula, and hopefully it wouldn’t look too dark when I checked on this side again…

So because of that, some times it just made me to rework all over again in coloring the vinyl to match the car body paint color…

And then in another case when I already made up my mind to stick with one color, to make sure it is the final outcome that I wanted to upload and share, I have to travel between two houses to do some final check works…, but sometimes at that moment I need to do that, the game daily time cycle keeps changing at the moment I need the most, and this happens;

Yeah right… it’s getting dark… now what?? :grin: :hot_face:

Is not going to change to hot sunny day in a short time… it just getting darker and darker…

Going to the other side is not helping either…

What about going to the Festival while waiting for the “in-game” sunrise? Let’s see how it looks like in the Festival;

Now the body paint reflection is too shiny and overkill, and the other side is not even better…

So that’s the more detail reasoning I’m suggesting for Advance Design/Paint Mode added to the game, so that any Designer/Painter have more better environment to work on their creativities…

This also not limited to just the making of wrap liveries painting and mixing custom paints process, because the overkill shiny reflections also ruins the chrome color on rims, it reflected so bad that makes the chrome (and some polished) rims as well so dark or becoming black in reflections, like this one for example;

It just looks not right in my perspective, the rims lip looks too shiny because of “wet look” reflection but yet on the center piece of the rims which is suppose to be gold… it don’t shined at all… it even closer to matte gold rather than glossy shiny gold color…

Here’s some snapshots of the same rims for comparison but with custom paint applied to its rims lip, which is more realistic?

And from the other side with the current over bright lighting reflection;

And to make clear comparison between the untouched one vs the custom painted one, here is the photo of the real rims in real life;

And this also one of the reasons for my 2nd suggestion to make the rims separated individually when being custom painted by the designer and painter…

Alright then I think this would conclude all the details I need to provide for my 1st suggestion, the next more details for my 2nd suggestion will come shortly after this… (to be continued below) :smiling_face:

Here’s my thought would be like for my 2nd suggestion; freeing or unlocking the windows tint coloring to the likings of the user, and separating hundreds of rims choices independently from being automatically being painted because one (or some or if not all) of the rims were chosen by the designer/painter as part of his/her wrap design attached…

The following snapshot is an example how it would look like if/when my 2nd suggestion is implemented in “Paint Menu”, this is an example if the rims chosen by the user were not picked by the designer to be part of his/her wrap design, it will be unlocked as the windows tint coloring as well;

Note; What happened should the user choose to open the ones being locked? It would be the same as we have now in the game, it would removed and erased the wrap design from the current car.

The differences are… rather than locking the “Paint Menu” altogether when using someone else wrap design to the current car, it will allowed the user to access the “Paint Menu”, but restricted when working inside the paint shop for the current car.

The next snapshot is an example how it would look like when the user chose the rims that was also picked by the designer/painter as part of his/her wrap design attached, the rims painting box will be locked as well like the rest except for the windows tint coloring box;

By implementing my 2nd suggestion, both the designer/painter and the user will have more freedom in creativity, the designer/painter doesn’t have to make another copy for the same wrap design (which also would results less working loads and more storage space in the game server), the user also can enjoy using their favorite designer/painter wraps to their liking to their cars.

The other reasoning why I’m suggesting my 2nd suggestion were not only because of more freedom that all sides (the designer/painter the user and the game server) can enjoy and achieve, but it’s also because the game rims coloring allocation method system were so messed up that ruins other rims that were being selected to be painted.

Not only that rims lip chrome color were overkill because of its “wet look” reflections as I mentioned earlier above, which caused annoyance when paying attentions to details… which then resulting any user to fix it by repainting the rims lip in the paint shop…

But by doing that in the paint shop, it also creates another complicated issues to the rest of hundreds rims to choose from…, because the rims coloring allocation system adopted by the game is simply ruins the excitements of customizing the user car should they get bored with the current rims and went to change to another rims model…, or the user that using someone else wraps to their cars have limited choice to choose from because one painted rims ruins some of the other rims model color.

I just don’t get it where’s the fun and excitement of this idea that painting all black or all white or any color to one particular rims… would make the rest of the rims model in the same color?? What would happened to the rest of the rims model if anyone just one to get rid of that overkill “wet look” chrome lip?? :thinking: :face_with_spiral_eyes:

So here’s a snapshot of example for the rims I chose for my wrap design with repainted lip to get rid of the “wet look” chrome lip;

For the current rims model I chose, its coloring allocation are divided into 5 groups, they are; All Paint Groups, Paint Group 1, Paint Group 2, Inner Barrel, and Outer Lip as shown below;

So in order for me to repaint the unwanted wet look chrome lip, for this rims model, I have to repaint 2 groups (which for this example I repainted them with green for Paint Group 2 and pink for Outer Lip) to replace the unwanted wet look chrome color…

Paint Group 2 area;

Outer Lip area;

Now because of these color changes to the current rims I’ve chosen, the following snapshots are just some examples what happens to the other rims that were affected by these changes;




This is a one piece rims model, how did it gets (pink) rims lip model like a three piece rims? :thinking: :face_with_spiral_eyes:





So those snapshots are just some examples to any other rims model that affected by the current coloring allocation system adopted by the game, some are fine in their default colors but most of them are affected, and this is one of the reasonings for my 2nd suggestion, because the ones that got affected were ruins and therefore limiting the rims choices for some other users that want to put them on their cars…

Alright then, I think this should wraps up more details for my 2nd suggestion, the next more details for my 3rd suggestion will come shortly after this… (to be continued below) :smiling_face:

In addition and to complete my 1st and 2nd detail descriptions above, here’s my 3rd suggestion detail I’m suggesting…

When making wrap livery applying directly to the current car, generally… the designer would already knows what to expect to happen when aftermarket body kit bumpers wings side skirts are added to the car with his/her wrap applied…, then at this point the designer would have to make decision on their direction of making the wrap would fit best…

Some cars would just fit well as it is whether with or without aftermarket body parts, some are just messed up won’t fit at all… like the EK9 Civic for example;

And here’s another angle from the front that requires a specific front bumper model;

This is due to the wrap design has bumper molding stripe which in continuity to both sides of the body, it would messed up the look when the specific required bumper are not installed as it shown in the following snapshots;

Next bumper model;

Next bumper model;

Even with stock bumper it won’t fit well;

The same also goes with Forza bumper;

The same also goes with the skirt, it requires the specific model only to fits well;

It might fit with the stock skirt and cwest skirt, but not with this one;

The same also goes with the rear bumper, it fits well for stock bumper (and some other if the user insist);

But not this one imho;

The only aftermarket parts that are not affected is the rear wing, any wing fits well;




Therefore for this wrap design to fit best, the designated aftermarket parts is recommended, and in order to achieve that, therefore I’m suggesting to add an “advance feature” for any wrap that were designed for aftermarket body being added to the car, to be bundled with advance feature when the user want to apply it to their car.

Should the user don’t agree with the “advance feature” offering, then it is the user choice if they would be okay with the wrap just won’t fits well as they already being reminded by the “advance feature”…

This “advance feature” can go hand in hand with the rims choices designated by the designer/painter in my 2nd suggestion above, and this may separates rims and aftermarket body from performance upgrades when implemented.

If my suggestions are being accepted for considerations, then it would results 2 types of wrap designs; one is bundled with “Advance Feature”, the other one is the current one we already have in the game…

The one bundled with “Advance Feature” imho would also fit best for any vinyl livery design that requires continuity between front/rear end to both sides of the body, not just for some molding stripe…

Therefore any wrap designs that doesn’t required continuity between front/rear end to both sides of the body would not be affected with any aftermarket body parts installed, like in the following snapshots for example;

Rear end view;

Carbon Fiber body parts model;

Rear end view;

Any wrap designs like the last two model designs which doesn’t requires continuity between front/rear end to both sides of the body, would fits just fine with any aftermarket body parts.

Alright then, I think this would complete all 3 of my suggestions to be voted and considered to be added to FH5 and the next upcoming FH and FM series… :smiling_face: :blush:

Imho Forza games are not just simply racing games but eye catching games as well when comes to cars, at my age… I don’t really care about racing… but I do care when I saw handsome good looking car on the open road…, boys will be boys I guess :grin: :laughing: :rofl: :joy:

Alright then… thank you for visiting and reading my suggestions, any comments or suggestions are welcome…

PS: don’t forget to come and visit my creative hub for my wrap collections :blush:

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Hello everyone… how you all guys doing? I hope you all doing well and still enjoying the FH series, it’s been a while since my last post on this suggestions thread… and I just want to add some and shorten all of my detail suggestions above to what can be achieve if all of the above implemented in the new coming FH6…

Yes I mean FH6 exclusively because it’s only in Horizon series that the game is not all about racing, but the cars that matter the most… that we like and choose… everyone has different taste etc etc…

The reasoning why I’m talking (suggesting) for FH6 exclusively was because FM (or FM8) was a total disaster when it was launched in every aspect including creativity area for painters and tuners, and GT7 just keep beating and beating FM8 in everyway, and FH5 is getting too old no matter how many of new stuff being added…

And besides GT7, even the old Asetto Corsa still more enjoyable to play because they allowed mods to be integrated to the game, so basically whether it’s circuit racing game or an open world racing game, the user can have any thing they want added to the game (including cars which are also a major factor in attracting new player to join, the more FH6 attracts new comers, more profits as well)

I’d suggest that FH6 to be released in 1 version basic game only; and then update or upgrade them from time to time just it is with the current ones, just basic game and basic pack of cars such as in 3 categories like JDM Exotic and Muscle for example…

The game doesn’t need hundreds or thousands of cars because it’s all about taste and major factors that would attracts (more) people to come and buy more…

The game devs and projects directors need to be realistic with their audiences because they are from different generations, different area of places they’re living so therefore their choice of cars would absolutely be different from one to another (irrelevant to the game location map)…

Like myself I’m from gen x generation, my taste of cars will definitely be different to the millenials and so forth, in my youth… no one was driving around in a lambo or ferrari, maybe todays those exotic class of cars are more buyable therefore it’s more relevant with the newer generations…

So imo, rather than they heavily invested to buy more cars licensing as a whole, make them in separate packs, and let the player choose and buy it separately as car pack from FH6 Base Game, such JDM pack EUDM pack USDM pack etc… or 90s Honda or Nissan packs as an add on to the game, the same also can be implemented with location maps, therefore all the maps from FH1 to FH5 can be added to FH6…

Just please don’t force people to buy something they don’t like don’t want to buy to their taste imo…, I can understand the target of the game projects, but seriously and honestly… the game really doesn’t need some kind of Lego or Hot Wheels packs… maybe for some audiences whom wants their toddlers to play the game as well… they’ll buy them, but I don’t think it’s the same for the rest of everyone (or the majority)…

The game needs the majority audiences to support its lifespan… the more majority stays, the more they buy, the more profits can be made (behind the scene) as well for PG…

The fact is simple… no one can please everyone, and that’s how I pick what cars I’ll be focusing in making designs… I don’t need and I don’t have all type of cars, but yet so far I got more than 1 mil downloads…

Now let’s put it this way, if the game let me sell them as buyable item with real money as their car packs etc, I already made more than a million dollars if I put $1 price for each new download…, so as well as the add on packs would benefits the game and PG…

If all of these were implemented, then FM and FH can have what old Aseto Corsa have with AC mods freedom…

With this in mind, why not make it legal to advance players to add their mods added to the game?? With legal mods permitted, the less player would cheat using mod accounts, this would let the user (player) can have anything they want added to their game progress…

And if it’s to be legal for advance player to add mods to the game, make more money and profits with this feature, because they need to buy license to integrate their modes to the game…, so it’s a win-win scenario in my opinion and suggestions…

If all my previous and current suggestions were to be implemented, then I think we can have FH6 close to this scenario;

:grinning: :heart_eyes: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

PS: Pls vote more if you like the idea and to keep this thread bumped, GT7 isn’t going to PC or Xbox anytime soon imo… so why not make FH6 as we would like it to be and more linked to FM series as well?? :hugs: :heart_eyes: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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