Design/livery Limit Concerns

Recently upon hearing of the increased garage limit along with design and tune limits, while nice it got me wondering something that’s been a slight nuisance since the game launched

Changing the colour of a car creates a new livery file for the car which takes up a design slot, and you have to keep the file or the car goes back to stock colour, but when you reach the limit of designs it means you cant change the colour of a car without deleting another design file returning that car to stock colour.

And with the limit going up to 2000 for garage and 1000 for designs and tunes, hypothetically speaking you can only have half your cars designed or colour changed, that is of course provided you actually hit the new limit lol.

I don’t know the complexities of how it works but it would be a lot cooler if changing colours on your cars didn’t create a design file that you must keep it would be better if it only created a file when you used the livery editor because there may come a time where you hit the design limit and get a new car and wanna change the colour but you can’t until you delete another design.

As said above this hasn’t affected me yet as I have 700 cars in my garage so when the new design limit is implemented I won’t run into the issue and not sure I’ll ever even hit the garage limit anyway lol. Just thought it would be interesting discussion to get what others think of this but let’s keep discussion friendly and respectful please :blush::blush:


You’re right. At least changing to one of the often available other manufacturer colour options shouldn’t count as livery and therefore shouldn’t consume one of the precious save slots.


Wanna hear something really weird? If you buy your car from the autoshow, you can choose any manufacturer colours and it won’t take up a design slot.

So it is possible in theory to have manufacturer colours not take up design slots for autoshow cars, but then you have all the wheelspin only, barn find, and seasonal exclusive cars.

I also don’t really get how you can have as many tunes as you want as long as you don’t share them but not liveries. It is possible to have unshared liveries not take up a spot as well, but you have to use the auction house trick, which risks the car being bought.

For those that don’t know, the auction house trick is where you put the car up for as short and expensive of an auction as possible. Then, while the auction is up, you go into your designs and delete the design. If and when the car is returned to your possession, it’ll still have the livery on it but it won’t be taking up a design slot. The livery will be locked, just like it would be if you bought a car with a unique livery from another user, meaning you can’t edit or update it, but that’s fine as long as you know ahead of time.

I recommend you only attempt that with low demand cars. You do risk losing the car, though I believe you can wait until you need to collect the car before deleting the livery. I’d need to test that, it’s been a while since I’ve attempted the trick. Can confirm it works though.


It would seem logical to me for the game to have 2000 slots for cars. And then have 4000 slots for liveries. Accounting for players who like to have multiple liveries for their cars. Same scenario for tunes.

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That could be a good point, because when buying a car, and you select a manufacturer colour, it doesn’t consume a slot like it does when you change the colour after buying it. Just a minor nitpick I have lol

I never knew or considered that lol, and I did notice buying a car and choosing a colour doesn’t take up a slot.

It would be good if it only took up a slot when sharing a livery instead of just changing a cars colour, but another good point is just don’t have manufacturer colours create a new livery (as people already suggested) but as I’m no game dev, idk how hard or easy that would be to implement, but considering the buying from autoshow not making a livery file, it already exists in game somehow if that makes sense

In andl ideal world, that would be the best solution of all, if a limit has to he there having it double the garage limit would be best, doubt that’ll ever happen but great suggestion

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a reasonable way of deleting old stuff would be handy, too


Just a little distraction sidetrack on the manufacturer colors solution :wink:

…why is “Remove and Report Livery” an option for manufacturer colors ? And what happens if you do ? :laughing: :smiling_imp:


Yes, a filter to quickly see which designs are applied to cars and which aren’t would save a lot of time. And a filter for paint only and which ones have vinyls applied would be good too. Would save a ton of time


They remove the manufacturer and all associated vehicles and they never get to return for two years. That’s what happened with Alfa, Fiat, and Lancia.



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Oh ! My bad :frowning:

lol !

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I would like to report that atrocious pink Corvette, please.

Wait, that doesn’t count? Dang it!



Don’t do it! Well lose chevy for two years and they’ll fill in the empty spots with mattel toy cars .


For sure!
As I said before in another post: Barbie has nothing to do with Forza, and never will.
The pink is just plain offensive!

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And it’s an EV. :face_vomiting: :nauseated_face: :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting:

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It would be difficult to make a car I hate more.

  • Obnoxious bright pink
  • EV conversion :face_vomiting:
  • Ruining a classic
  • For some reason 7/8 scale
  • Another product tie-in
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I agree with everything you said. It can’t get much worse! (I really REALLY hope not)

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You have some wood to knock on, right?
