Why are the tune / livery / maximum car limits so low?

So I’ve been playing FH5 since launch and have collected all available cars. I obviously like to keep every unique car, some with and without a tune so there’s a few doubles of favourites. But with 654 unique cars now, why is there still a 1000 car limit? And if every week comes with new events requiring certain tunes to be fun or even doable, why is there such a low limit on tunes for your cars?
Now, even if there is a legitimate reason for this, why can’t i DELETE these tunes in a simple way like you can with liveries? I have to go to each individual car and delete it there, even though i have hundreds of them.
I read up online if there is a solution, but it seems that FH4 already struggled with the same issues.

Hopefully there can be some fix for this, would love to continue collecting.


Honestly tune limit isn’t as big of a deal as a livery limit, since cars can have a tune on them without the need to save said tune and use up a slot. However, that requires the player to make their own tune. Not an issue for some but an issue for others.

However a livery space must be used regardless of whether you want to save it or not. Even changing the car to a different manufacturer paint job takes up a livery spot. There are workarounds, but they are rediculous and obtuse.

Limits in general suck though. If this truly is an engine limit or a save corruption issue which PGG claim (which I don’t believe for a second) then it demonstrates an extreme lack of foresight by the devs. Especially the fact that they did nothing to solve it between iterations.

It’s not about that though. This is %100 “we forced this game to be always online but we don’t want to pay for the storage space required to give our users enough storage slots.”


Because, maxed out, you’ll be looking at savefile size of hundreds of MiB. Mine is currently at 116 MiB with heavy management on downloaded tunes and liveries. Depending on MS cloud servers downloading that can take upto 15-20 mins even with 100 Mb/s connection. At least that was case with maxed out FH4 save when I upgraded from X1X to XSX. No, I’m not kidding.

That’s where caching comes into play.

When you select a car to drive they could download the liverie on the fly and cache it locally to avoid redownloading it in the future. Depending on your platform, they could cache x liveries. When your local cache is full they could simply remove your least used or oldest liverie.

If they did this then technically there’s no limits. There also shouldn’t be any noticable perfomance issues either. Plus people like me who have extra storage on XSX could utilise said extra storage for a larger cache.