At first sorry for my English I normally speak German but I hope everyone can understand my problem.
In December I start to play Forza 5 with the Collectors Edition. When I started I receive in the game the VIP Bonus with a lot of extra Cars with lot of extra Designs. I received this cars in Game with a Message and downloaded it right from the Message.
Now my problem. I desidet to start again to play with Forza 5 from the beginning. So I delete my old Save Game from the Xbox One AND from the Cloud (with the February Update it works now).
Then I start again to play and it was all like the first time with the 5 Tracks at the beginning and so on.
When I look at my cars all the extra cars I get at the first time was gone. I hoped i will again get it with the in Game Message but it wasn’t so.
How can I get again all the extra Cars I received like a gift the first time I played? I don’t mean the Collectors Edition Cars I must pay with the Credits. They was lot of cars with extra Designs and they also was an X Class Car from Lotus with costs about 2 Million Credits.
So I hope somebody can help me with my problem and I hope I explain it right.
My Gamertag on the Xbox One is: Gekolomino maybe this is a information you need.
T10 doesnt regift cars or car designs if removed from your garage, all you can do now is a load of races to gain loads of Cr to buy all the cars you had.
Hm. Some of the Design was unique and I think I can not buy it with credits.
Is this really so that I will never get it back if I delete it?
Yip. It’s been this way in previous Forza titles. I lost a whole bunch of unicorns in FM2 and FM3 in order to start over.
Does can I get the whole Designs and Cars back when I buy a second Collectors Edition and use the new code again? Does I get with this Code again new cars from T10?