Daily challenges stuck on Forzathon

Hi all,

My daily challenges on the festival playlist (Summer) keep stuck on 5/7. This is the case for 3 days already. I completed the forzathon, got the bonus FP, but it doesn’t get completed in the Festival Playlist. I just completed another 4 dailies, got the points for that as well, but still no golden/completed Festival Playlist task. I did so many dailies that I did get 80% completion luckily, but I want it to count extra for the series completion bonus as well.

Anyone else having this problem or knows a solution?


And this week it happens again. My dailies keep resetting when travelling to fortune island. The dailies are different there as well. Is that normal?

If you keep traveling between the mainland and expansions you can increase your FP if needed even though at this late stage in the game there is nothing new to buy.

I did some testing tonight, and it appears that it doesn’t overwrite playlist advancement, or cancel out any previous daily challenges. All it does is replace completed dailys with uncompleted ones. They look to be the same each time. 2 or 3 awesome drift skills, a couple awesome speed skills, and a couple great pass skills. edit: scratch that, I’m miss-remembering, because there was a near miss challenge when I got back to the mainland. So they’re not necessarily the same 3 each time.

Presumably, the next day when a new daily is queued up, it will slot in at the bottom as normal. So it can be gamed for extra FP, or early completion of the weekly bonus, but that’s about it.

Honestly, if they want to leave it this way, I don’t think I’d mind. They could just say it’s not a bug, it’s a feature.

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Ok, sit rep.

So last night, I was doing some of the dailys, and one of them was to win two road circuit events. I did one of them, then completely forgetting about this bug, I went to Lego valley to do the second, and they got reset. They were 3 simple ones, so I ended up doing them all in one race without realizing it, but the unfinished one was gone. So I went back to the mainland, and all three daily challenges were back, and the ones I’d already done showed uncompleted in the playlist. I didn’t check, but I’m pretty sure my playlist completion didn’t get knocked back. I redid them all, and my playlist completion didn’t increase either.

The two road circuit events were part of last week’s playlist, Wednesday, I think, and I’ve already got everything I’m going for this week. So I’m not concerned about it for my sake, and it puts me in a good position to test things. I want to test if triggering the bug before completing a daily challenge makes one of the dailies uncompletable. If I can, I’ll also test if the percentage gets knocked back I’m pretty sure it doesn’t, but I’ll make a note to check for sure. I’ll report back with what I find.

Test results. After last night, I had yesterday’s daily left that got reset on me, 3 Threading the Needle skills. My playlist percentage sits at 64%. Today’s daily is up, 4 stars total from drift zones. I finish off yesterdays, and leave today’s untouched, and head off to Fortune Island. New daily challenges up. 3 Awesome clean racing skills, 1 or 2 drafting skills, and 2 trading paint skills. Two of these are the same as last night when I was in Lego valley, the new one is on the bottom. So it’s almost as if they wanted the DLC packs to have their own daily challenges separate from the mainland. Which is fine, I would like that.

So I finish those off, and head back to the mainland. I know I double-checked my playlist percentage at least once or twice at some point, and it was still at 64%. So when I get back to the mainland, I check again, and sure enough, the dailys are back, and all reset. But now my playlist percentage is 65%? Why? I haven’t done the drift zones yet. It didn’t increase when I re-did the Threading the Needle challenge before. It’s like going to Fortune Island and back caused the Threadding the Needle challenge to tally against the playlist.

So I did the drift zone challenge, and my percentage remained 65%. This is a new challenge that I hadn’t done before, so I was expecting it to increase this time. But for some reason it didn’t. Redid Threading the Needle again, and still at 65%. Which, to be fair, is where I expected to be, but not until after the drift zones.

This is a confusing bug. If anyone wants to work out the percentages, I’ve done both monthlys, the weekly Forzathon, the PR stunts, the showcase remix, and the two dailys.

There might be a check that’s done whenever you do a thing that should increase your playlist percentage, and only increases it if you’re not already at where it’s going to put you. So already being at 65%, it didn’t increase it. Or, I might have to travel to a DLC location and back again to force a re-tally. Which is annoying, because my whole purpose for this exercise is to test if traveling to a DLC location with an unfinished daily makes that daily uncompletable against the playlist. So after all that, I still don’t know, and I know even less than I knew before.

Hi… I too have the same problem, Did the daily challenges like 3 times on the main land. But when I travel in between to Lego and the Fortune island they have like their own set of daily challenges which I completed as well. But then I travelled back to the main land to find out the daily challenges I completed 3 times are back again as incomplete. Then I travel back to the lego and the Fortune island and there too its the same. I hope its a temporary glitch or a bug which they will be able to fix soon as I am really hoping to get the Levante from this season…

Why cant you get tge Levante
It doesnt affect the playlist…actually helps you since you probably already have lthe 7 dailies done and gives you more forzathon points
If you dont get that car its because you haven’t done enough other stuff

Ok, now I understand what’s happening.

I left 3 dailys undone until today. Travel to Fortune Island, the dailys change. I did two of them, and my playlist completion jumped up to 67%. The third one was 3 airborne pass skills, which just wasn’t happening. I could have gotten them if I’d really wanted to, but I was kindof on a mission, and besides leaving it undone gives me more data!

So back to the mainland. Back to 3 unfinished dailies, and the 3 that are showing in the playlist. So I did a race, which bagged me two of them. But my playlist only increased to 68%. The third was an ultimate skill chain, so I did that, but my playlist remains at 68%.

Conclusion: You can do any of the available dailys you want, either on the mainland, which are the same listed in the playlist, or at one of the DLC locations, which are different. And any of them count only once toward your playlist. So can do two on Fortune Island and get 2%, and come back to the mainland and do the 3rd for 1% like I did. But, it seems to be bound to which “slot” for the lack of a better term where they’re located in the list of dailys. So if you do the top one on Fortune Island, then come back to the mainland and do the top one again, it won’t count, but the one in the slot you didn’t do will count.

The playlist completion never seems to decrease. You always seem to be able to complete at least your daily allotment of percentage. Your available Forzathon points never seem to decrease. You have your choice of dailys to choose from, either the set on the mainland, or the set on the DLC locations. And if that’s intentional, then bonus. I won’t mind. That much at least, they could say is a feature, not a bug, and I’d be happy with it.

The bug, and the part that I’m pretty sure isn’t intentional even if the rest is, is that they keep getting reset when you travel back and forth. You don’t loose anything, and you can’t get extra playlist completion for them, but you can do them again for more FP. Which is ripe for exploitation, so they’ll probably patch at least that out at the next update.