Ok, now I understand what’s happening.
I left 3 dailys undone until today. Travel to Fortune Island, the dailys change. I did two of them, and my playlist completion jumped up to 67%. The third one was 3 airborne pass skills, which just wasn’t happening. I could have gotten them if I’d really wanted to, but I was kindof on a mission, and besides leaving it undone gives me more data!
So back to the mainland. Back to 3 unfinished dailies, and the 3 that are showing in the playlist. So I did a race, which bagged me two of them. But my playlist only increased to 68%. The third was an ultimate skill chain, so I did that, but my playlist remains at 68%.
Conclusion: You can do any of the available dailys you want, either on the mainland, which are the same listed in the playlist, or at one of the DLC locations, which are different. And any of them count only once toward your playlist. So can do two on Fortune Island and get 2%, and come back to the mainland and do the 3rd for 1% like I did. But, it seems to be bound to which “slot” for the lack of a better term where they’re located in the list of dailys. So if you do the top one on Fortune Island, then come back to the mainland and do the top one again, it won’t count, but the one in the slot you didn’t do will count.
The playlist completion never seems to decrease. You always seem to be able to complete at least your daily allotment of percentage. Your available Forzathon points never seem to decrease. You have your choice of dailys to choose from, either the set on the mainland, or the set on the DLC locations. And if that’s intentional, then bonus. I won’t mind. That much at least, they could say is a feature, not a bug, and I’d be happy with it.
The bug, and the part that I’m pretty sure isn’t intentional even if the rest is, is that they keep getting reset when you travel back and forth. You don’t loose anything, and you can’t get extra playlist completion for them, but you can do them again for more FP. Which is ripe for exploitation, so they’ll probably patch at least that out at the next update.