CW's Tuning guide + Calc Spreadsheet **NEW MOBILE WEB APP**

Spot in enjoy man and thank you Odin :+1:

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Bit of a hijack :thinking:

From the PDF document I find following regards to the alignment:
"My Average Camber setting by class.
E to C -1.2F max and -0.5R max

Then when looking Excel for FWD car it suggests front -0,5 and rear -1,2. Is there mismatch how these should be balanced?

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No mismatch, that section on the Excell sheet gives you a range of values to try at your own leisure. On FWD you’ll find that the front will often understeer. The logic behind having a greater negative camber on the rear of a FWD helps with rear grip and to get the car rotating more.

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I really lkle this calculator a lot. Helps big time with handling for me and gives me a good…baseline…haha. just one thing I dont fully unserstand. Downforce for front and rear are inputs. But I don’t see values change. Is that correct? Thats on the metric sheet by the way. Thanks for alle the effort gone into this!

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Yea that’s correct the calculations are done a touch different from the metric to the imperial. But I’m glad your enjoying it and getting use out of it bud :+1:

Tremendous thanks. Wish i would have explored the forum before FMS7 and found this tool in the time of FMS3, but will take full benefit now. Question: what should one input for non-adjustable parts?
For example the 2018 911 GT2 RS does not allow the installation of either of the spoiler upgrades w/o exceeding the class restrictions. Therefore i don’t know what to enter for front and rear downforce. Is it possible to get reliable numbers from the spreadsheet for this vehicle? If not the spreadsheet is still a valuable tool just hoping to increase its usefulness.

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That’s great dude glad you getting on with it so well. With regards to what you said about aero, you can still use a value if you wish or to keep it simple put it at 0.
But I have played around with this before because even without wings the car will still produce a little downforce. Try a range between 25 to 50, just have a little play in this case and find what best suits the car.
Let me know how you get on. :+1::blush:

Hi, just meant to say thank you for the calculator. Im relatively new to Forza and didnt know a thing about tuning, but your calculator is working quite nice for me. I only tuned 2 cars this far but both performed way better after the tune. The handling of the cars is much better and my lap times decreased by just above 1 second in both cars. So again thanks a lot, much appreciation for your work

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Well that’s awesome dude, it will surely get you om your way, also welcome to the Forza Community.
Happy racing :blush::wave:

awesome, love it. learned alot, the cars i had that i tuned were ok always got me in top five but after using this i got bunch a firsts love it. took atleast a second or so off my reg times. and its help me drive better to, dont hit as many people now. thanks keep up the good work, thank u.

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That’s awesome pal, happy racing :grin::+1:

Why is it not possible to download your tunes? Everytime i try it says try again later. I wanted to test one of you tunes for a Hot Hatch League car cant remember which one tho.

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I have no idea buddy, could you find our which car? It may be a server thing or something. I really don’t know lol.

It was the Mini, but this time it worked downloading your tune. Here is a picture of what it looks like when its not working. About half of the tunes of every car look like this and cant be downloaded.

Edit: Oh i just realized that this in fact wasnt your tune, its another Cesar, sorry this is embarrassing.

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love it lol, never mind, we shall never speak of this again lol :wink:

Update to address an issue where the input value of the “lower spring rate” section could not be used.

NEW MOBILE FRIENDLY WEB APP available. See link in post.

For some reason I’m not able to view this spreadsheet. It keeps telling me that the content has either been deleted or that I don’t have permission to view it. Any ideas?

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I’ve got the same error.
Have you tried to contact CesarsWrath via a pm as he may not notice a request within the thread depending on he is checking the site?

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