Hey there!
My system specs are:
i5 9400f
GTX 1660 6 GB
16 GB of RAM
So when I start playing FH3, things normally start out ok, but within a couple of minutes there is a CRAZY amount of stuttering and the game is unplayable. Normally it is ok at 1080 or 1440p capped at 30 fps, but as soon as I make that 60 everything just basically breaks down. It constantly drops to 20 fps or lower (like every couple of seconds) and sometimes my car will j freeze and I have to rewind to continue.
I thought that maybe my CPU or GPU was thermal throttling, but neither of them really exceeded 60 C while playing and my RAM is not hot to the touch, so I don’t know why I start getting bad fps drops after 10 minutes.
All of this stuff just seems super random to me and I couldn’t find a forum thread with the same problem as mine. I mean given the system specs this should be playable right? I’ve tried every trick in the book: re-installed drivers, changed settings in Nvidia control panel and task manager, my max pre-rendered frames is at 1, but no matter what I do, if the fps is not capped at 30 things just go crazy, and even with 30 fps things can still be bad.
So I played with some monitoring software open and watched it. Everything started out ok, but after about 30 minutes the game is constantly going between 60 and 30-40 fps and it is terrible to play. So I look at MSI Afterburner and neither CPU or GPU use really go over 50% and when a close the application both of them drop immediately. Out of the 16GB or RAM, roughly 10,000 MB are being used and that number is pretty consistent too. Also, all temps are in the 45-60 C range, so nothing too high.
Sy my would my game be stuttering if nothing is bottlenecking or thermal throttling? Any recommendations?
For me its pretty much the same. Game starts of just fine and works well and then it gets worse. None of my temps are bad in anyway gpu and cpu aboout 60-50 even when it gets worse. Ive tried many things to fix it but ive found not a single thing.