when are they going to fix this glaring bug? it’s been a thing since launch and yet it still keeps happening. what’s even more infuriating is when it happens during an online event like the Trial and causes you to not only crash, it puts you in the pause menu and may even hurt the team’s chances of winning. funny how i have absolutely NO issues with any of my other games. this is clearly an issue with the game itself and not on my end.
No problems here. I’ve played Horizon 5 on both PC and X-Box.
just because it hasn’t happened to you doesn’t mean it’s not a thing. one need only search for this topic in the forum to see that many others are experiencing this issue as well.
what the… who dosed my coffee?
Yeah I swear that person is on drugs.
Who are you talking to?
What are you talking about?
Are you ok???
What in the world does housing and living conditions in England or Africa have to do with getting the message to reconnect your controller? Get on topic or get out of the thread.
I’ve been getting the same if leave Xbox for couple of mins, seemed to start happening after got the hot wheels add on
Try update controller
This thread isn’t about regional servers. Stay on topic. It is part of the forum rules.
Didn’t even know they had crackheads over there🤣
I’ve started getting this pretty regular recently. I have a wired controller and it is definitely connected. Just another bug, I suppose.
Apparently still a “feature” Been getting it again the last little while. Was a forced controller update the “fix” ? Or was that a different “feature” ? I haven’t looked to see if this is in the bug list or simply “as designed” .
I have the same problem in both FH4 and FH5. Didn’t cross my mind that its a bug until now when I read this post.
When I get the message, I check the connection and its OK, perss enter on the keyboard. I always thought its because I use a wired controller.
Yeah, not specific to wired or wireless, or even console or PC it seems. The only common denominator looks like Forza Go figure
New update, same ol’ Forza…