Ok, I’m sure we’re all notcing subtle differences in some of the tracks after this recent 475MB content update.
I’ve noticed a new tire wall outside of turn 5 (6?) on Silverstone International. This is the turn where you could drive out beyond the cones and still keep a clean lap. Most every fast lapper takes this route, but it’s hardly an area where the most egregious corner cutters thrive.
But they haven’t reset the LB times or ghosts, so if you’re chasing an LB ghost recorded before today you will clearly see the ghost continue racing through the tire wall. I think this little section extend gains you maybe .3-.5 of a second. It used to allow you to carry more speed onto the back straight, which probably pays off in at least 5mph at the end of that straight. If you’re in the top 100 that coukd be a huge difference.
Seems a bit odd to place a wall here, but not Yas Marina.
I am completely perplexed as to why T10 would add a wall to that area. I have never heard anyone complain when someone runs a little wide there. All that new wall is going to do is create accidents. If T10 was so worried about the miniscule time advantage that turn gives someone they should have tweaked the boundaries that will flag the lap as dirty. Meanwhile, tracks like Yas Marina still allow anyone to cut in a lobby. There is also turn 1 on Watkins Glen that is abused and so many other tracks that get cut in competitive lobby racing.
I was baffled by the new tire wall on Catalunya from the last update and this one makes even less sense. Yet we still are made to suffer the track cutters while trying to complete online. This is a joke of a track update.
The new tyre barriers ive found so far (not literally lol) are Chapel corner on Silverstone as mentioned and some more to stop straight lining over the sand trap at the last turn. On Hockenheim there are some in the stadium complex. Lime Rock has them on first chicane, it is now VERY tight, and the tyres on the inside of the last turn have gone. At Watkins Glen the bus stop has some between the wall and the kerb.
These im sure look lovely but of them all only the Lime Rock one is really regularly abused? I echo the suggestion of other tracks that need doing like Yas Marina, Sebring and Le Mans which are a haven for the cheating driver who wants to win at all costs - even today I have been rammed into at Yas Marina by a corner cutter then ranted at for being on the racing line and in his way!
You should look at Lime Rock with the chicanes. No one can go side by side into that corner anymore. Tire barriers on both sides. All it needed was the first one on the entry.
Going side by side through a chicane is a bad idea anyway. Laguna Seca is a prime example, I’ve seen so many accidents from people trying to take that chicane two wide.
When you have two people with similar cars and are very close in skill level, you can get through Laguna Seca without any issues. When people don’t know how to race or pass, that is the problem, not the corner itself. The walls on Lime Rock cause problems with passing even when only 2 wheels off, which isn’t cutting.
Fair point. Usually the people in the lobbies aren’t skilled enough to attempt such a feat but they try anyway. I’ve often been victim to such. I agree that the corner is not the issue and two tires on the rumble strip is definitely not dirty.
The choice of tracks and even corners T10 have prioritised is very weird. None of the tracks so far were particularly bad for cutting and some of the corners they’ve fixed were pointless to cut anyway.
The two corners after the hairpin at Hock, for example. Loads of people cut the right-hander across the grass but it’s been left open so they can still cut it, but then the tight left straight afterwards that doesn’t get cut much (and it’s slower if you do) has a bunch of new tire walls.
I’m so excited to see that the new downgrade installed itself, is there any way to uninstall this Disastrously horrible downgrade off of the game? Or are we stuck with it?
[Mod Edit - Abbreviated profanity, profanity and profanity that is disguised but still alludes to the words are not permitted - D]. Fixing things that aren’t broken then actually breaking things like the leaderboard, because those times are unachievable now.
I suppose it is to much to ask if they actually fixed the sticky rumble strips at LeMans? You know, the place where the rumbles are correct but there should be one lane over with no sticky, AND stay clean.
Just checked, LOLOL, and the answer is… OF COURSE NOT
If you guys really want to update something, how about the Community Monthly? You do remember those right? You know, the ones that have been up there for a year or so? But I know what you’ll say, “They have been up there every month.” Oh ya, to busy making new stuff to give actual service unless it comes with a price tag huh.
It really isn’t about if you can run side by side, it is the “CLEAN” line is no longer same, therefore we have brand new tracks to race on with the same old, literally, unachievable times.
There is still a LOT of work to be done, i.e., Bugatti, the “drive-through” barriers on Catalunya which never deter nor stop cars, the tires “barrier” at entrance for straight-line attacks of the pits on Lime Rock, etc. Granted, some of these only come into play in online races only since times are disqualified in career, etc., but if they’re going to stop the cheaters going for wins not matter what, the changes need to be completed.
It seems to me that T10 is taking the wrong approach to correcting the issues plaguing the game. While I appreciate their efforts to deter track cutters and stop cheating, maybe they should spend more time actually playing in the lobbies and experiencing and identifying the real problem areas of the tracks. People cutting the South Chicane on Lime Rock does bother me, and something needed to be done, but they completely ignored the West Chicane and that is the one that cheaters shave off the most time.
T10 really needs to spend time in the lobbies to investigate and tracks to find where the actual problems really exist.
Is the west chicane the one before the final bend towards the finish line? The one that when you take it clean and someone who always cuts it and is close enough to you that as you try to take it clean they just smash into you throwing you off the track.
I know its only an assumption, but it seems that T10, whether it be through coding or excessive work load, find it more of an issue of changing track limits and their remedy is to physically limit the track by the addition of the tyre walls. this is how it appears to me, so I know that it might cause everyone ( including me) a lot of grief, im sure they are doing there best with out having to actually realease new versions of the old tracks for everyone to download.
as I said this is only an assumption, and could be completely wrong but it makes more sense to me than them not caring
I still cannot believe that T10 have put tyre walls at such stupid places as if they don’t care. I mean, on Silverstone International the corner before the straight has a tyre wall to block off an area of track that nobody minds using and yet the corner before doesn’t have a tyre wall where all the cheaters cut which in my opinion is appalling. Also, the tyre wall on Watkins is equally as ridiculous as there isn’t an advantage of cutting it as it compromises the second part of the bus stop and will cause A LOT more accidents which we could do without aswell as the wall at Silverstone International. On Hockenheim, they didn’t even bother putting a tyre wall at turn 1 which gains a lot of time but instead have made it a dirty zone (which you can STILL CUT) which is stupid. And the funny thing is, like last time, they didn’t even bother to wipe the leaderboards. It just tells you that they really need to learn where to put tyre walls. Next thing you know, they would have put a tyre wall in your house which would not be beneficial whatsoever
Surly if you can make going wide on turn 1 at hock dirty you can make the other turns dirty without adding tyre walls? [Mod Edit - Abbreviated profanity, profanity and profanity that is disguised but still alludes to the words are not permitted - D] I have just made a new account to post modern gt Lb times and now I’m thinking it’s a waist of time even trying.
It’s been said in great detail many times before what needs to be done. Every track and cut has been listed on this forum over and over again. Just when I think t10 are listening and making an effort to interact with its customers they pull a stunt like this. It’s not like it’s a subject that everyone disagrees on or argues about. We all agree that you need to keep 2 wheels on the track at all times. This is fairly robust rule that should be very easy to keep to and simple to enforce. Forza 4 had this nailed was it made by a different company???