Constant disconnections

This is absolutely abhorrent.

The number of times I’ve gotten disconnected from races is nothing less than mind boggling and frustrating to say the least. More than half my ranked matches have ended with a disconnection from Forza’s servers even though my internet connection is working fine. What third world country servers does Forza uses? This is ridiculous.

I would LIKE to play the game more but the constant DCs are starting to make me regret spending any money for this game.
So far my only experience of the game is “Oh sweet I’m in pole in a ranked match aaaannnnddd I’ve been DC’d.”

Does anyone have a fix for this garbage or is the game really doomed to have trash tier servers?
Before you say it; No. Reinstalling will not fix the problem. This is not a problem with my machine or install, this is 100% a network issue with the game’s servers.

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I agree. This is not a game re-install issue, this is indeed a networking issue that can only be solved on Forza’s end. I can play any other game, no lag or disconnects at all, even on WiFi. I see tons of posts about this, but haven’t found a single solution to this.

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Having a similar issue with Forzathon Live Events. Every other time I participate, I get disconnected from the event on the 3rd phase.

Wired gigabit service to my X1X, only happens on my account. 460+4*; log into my wife’s account 40+1* with less than 1/5th of cars, tunes, designs, etc. and I can do 4 Forzathon Live events without issue.
It’s not just their network, there has to be some legacy coding mixed in with rankings/time played/cars, etc… Like an account with a bunch of stuff bogs the system and gets kicked while an account with less than 200 cars/clothes/tunes/etc.has a small footprint and minimal effect on server load.

No programmer, but have worked on websites with data storage on the backend and saw how Drupal (resource hog) slowed down everything with tons of tables versus php/MySQL

Having access to my family’s accounts allows me to trouble shoot things a bit better before submitting a ticket… still waiting on a response to a recent one.


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