Forzathon dc

Just wanted to quickly shout out to the 3 other players I was just doing a forzathon with. I disconnected half way through the 3rd event with just a few minutes left. Please know that I didn’t bail intentionally and I hope you all were able to finish.


Happens to me all the time. I used to get on hourly to do the events for some FP, but the past few days I haven’t had the desire to log in. Extremely frustrated with the game lately.

Don’t sweat it. Forzathons are common enough, and populated enough, and low stakes enough that the odd disconnect isn’t going to look too bad.

I’ve only had a disconnect once during a Forzathon, as far as I recall. And ironically I think it was when I lived in the city with fiber internet. I was down for a minute or two, then suddenly reconnected, and was able to jump right back into the Forzathon.

My internet is worse now that I’ve moved to the boonies and have rural DSL. I’m always getting warnings about high latency and poor connectivity. But no severe disconnects yet.

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These dc’s are there since release. I need to restart the game about every hour. I wasted alot races, forzathon or just a good time in freeroam with other people cuz of that. Its pathetic that this is still a thing. The servers of this company are a joke. Even the forum is slow.