Come on forza.. more race restrictions

I like that in rivials there are plenty of restrictions…
But in “story” mode… nearly nothing. I have done most of my racing with 3-4 cars, that I’ve won not even bought.

I would have liked to have seen more restrictive races to force variety in people’s car choice or tuning.
Ie class C pre-1970 cars only // rwd s2 only // hatchback class D // etc etc

Seems that even some race meets change depending what car you are in as well.
Rock up in a Ferrari and it’s a race to suit that car, or turn up in a c63 AMG and it’s changed… bit lame

Too late now I suppose but maybe next one ha

Anyone else find this abit “annoying” or easy?

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So you would rather be forced to make a change rather than have the freedom to play as you want?

“Escape from freedom”

Yeah, blueprint is the way for me. More variety in what you can do. Now it’s up to you to make it interesting. I thoroughly enjoyed making a 10 race GT3 championship around the Horizon Festival. Complete with 20 lap races when called for. But that’s just me.

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I think you should maybe change game… Stop FH3 and start Forza Motorsport 6.