More Racing Series

We need to have more Racing Series and also more then 1 Race/Event at a time in each Series. It gets boring sometimes if you don’t want to race in the avaliable circuits at the moment. More variety is always good.
Also, this would spread the participants in different lobbies therefor reducing the amount of Caos that it has been.

One more thing… next time there’s a “P” Open Series Event, make another one for F1 Ferraris only too. Might as well…


I second this. You can not compete in P Class if you run anything but a F1 Ferrari or even the F1 McLaren.


It takes away the point of “P” Open Series! We already know that the F1 Ferrari is the Meta, but c’mom… There’s literally hundreds of cars and I bet there are people racing with the Ferrari just because is the Meta instead of racing another car that they like better or even a favorite! :man_facepalming:


This is bad on so many levels, because with the limited amount of classes, it prevents me to care about leveling up cars.

They need to give us variety and a reason to spend hours in this game. Yesterday I was just waiting for VIR to come up in the Forza GT series, after that, didn’t want to do anything else and close the game.


My point!

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I’ve been thinking this the entire past week! If they won’t add more options they should at least change the open class, daily? It would keep things so much more interesting, for everyone really.


Having just one open series available is a stupid choice. We should at least have 2 or 3.


We NEED open lobbies with all the classes available ALL the time like we had in Forza 7…enough of this garbage.


Apparently the Devs Team or whoever is in charge of this, is clearly not giving a damm about what we ask for. It’s actually the opposite!

New week and new Events, execpt that instead of give us more, they’re taking away!
The variety and options we had to choose from were already and basicly none so what do they do? They take away one of the events leaving us with only 4 avaliable choices of online races!

Honestly… I’m only still playing it beacuse there’s no other option in the market that even compares to the gameplay quality and the fact that I’ve been a loyal fan of the Franchise since it’s very begining, unless I could buy a PS5, which at this point if I could, I would’ve done it today!

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I think there also needs to be more divisions like no tune series where you can only adjust tire compound and fuel load as well as more serious and less serious racer series

I may be off base here, but I think the “letter” class of the car should always be their classification. So if you max out an E car it would be E999 for example. With tunes and adjustments, being able to get the F1 cars down into the P Class lobby makes no sense and ruins the whole point of the lobby, as nobody will use a P class car if they are trying to win the race.