Guys, is it just me or did they censor songs in one of the last updates?
Fake It Til You Make It - DREAMERS
I dont hear the word “high” in this song anymore. “I’m flying (high) on the wings of a wasted life”
Guys, is it just me or did they censor songs in one of the last updates?
Fake It Til You Make It - DREAMERS
I dont hear the word “high” in this song anymore. “I’m flying (high) on the wings of a wasted life”
As with previous threads on song edits, I’ll lock this thread and direct you to the Support link above if you’d like to provide feedback for the developers.
I mean seriously? Updated the song “Deathwish” by Red Sun Rising and censoring the lyrics “even the devil finds love” by muting devil?
I mean really? Unbelievable
E for Everyone, you know. I’m baffled they got to keep the gambling bit though. And the traffic violations. And the drivers not wearing seatbelts anymore. Actually, I’m surprised there is still a game left in there, somewhere.