So you start a race in a showroom condition clean car, but literally after a few corners, or lets say half a lap later the car is littered with loads of black specs of dirt all over the body work. This annoying as it isn’t realistic especially if you don’t drive onto the grass. YES your car should get the mud splatters by the wheels going up the doors and rear bumper when you go off road etc but for a car to get filthy just by driving 1.5 miles around a track is annoying.
It brings me to another point. The windscreen gets gradually dirtier and dirtier to the point its off putting as all you ca see is dirt everywhere. I would like to see a feature where you could maybe push a button on the D-pad which controls the windscreen wipers WITH the washer jet function. Push that baby every few laps and it adds to the immersion.
It would be pretty cool to add this and maybe even a Headlight feature because racing at night on Le Man is a nightmare. I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy…
The main beams don’t light up the road ahead of you far enough so to have a Headlight button when you’re up in front would be a great addition.
I’d also like to say that the little detail of the stick moving up and down in a car with a manual gear shifter is a nice feature too. When youre n 1st the stick is in the top left, shift to 2nd and your driver moves it down to the bottom left, 3rd back up to the top and so on, although if you use the rewind it can mess it up causing 2nd to be at the top and vice versa.
The black dots are tyre rubber. Any time you drive on a race track that is in use, you get marbles that build up and stick to the bodywork. The marbles are tyre rubber that flicks off at speed and end up littering the road off the racing line. If you have watched F1 in recent years you should have seen some tracks where only the racing line was clean, the rest of the track was filthy with marbles to the point you could easily see it on camera.
I found it odd that when racing a dry race, the surface area where the windscreen wiper would cover is actually cleaner than the rest of the windscreen, even though the wiper hasn’t been operated.
As a person who only uses cockpit view, I have no idea what the rest of the car looks like, but the windscreen wiper thing is as clear as day.
I dunno race tracks (especially on track days) can be very dirty after a few hours of use.
There can be oil and rubber all over the road that gets transferred to the cars even after just a couple of laps.
I wish we could reset the damage/dirt while in photomode, like you can in Forza Horizon 3. Sometimes you just want a completely clean car for a photo, y’know?
The cars get way dirtier than they should for the amount of time driven. I’d have less of a problem if that was the dirt level on the last lap and not the car just getting to its dirtiest half way around the first lap and staying like that until the end of the race. Having been up close to race cars at the end of the days racing, they aren’t that dirty and most of the dirt is around the front, not all around like on Forza. The dirt is more reminiscent of the tyre build up you’d see after a 12 hour race, I could understand the game having the dirt levels of a 30 mile BTCC race or a 300km Grand Prix after 5 laps, but Le Mans level of dirt after half a lap is a bit naff.