Just a dirty windshield

Why can’t the wind shield (screen), whatever you want to call it, get dirty progressively ?

The car gets dirty, the track gets dirty. But the windshield stays completely crystal clear ?

The sun shines so bright with it’s fake lens flare that you can’t see, but we can’t have a windshield that gets dirty ? Come on.
NASCAR 2003 had a windshield which got progressively dirty, oil,bugs,stuff & after 40 laps a pit stop was such a relief, just for a nice clean windshield.

Of course we don’t do pit stops in Forza 5 in 3 lap races, no Flagman waving a green or checkered flag, no green lights, yellow lights for a local yellow.
Lights in the drag races, but no lights in the road races. Details boys details.

In 2002, 12 years ago. and I must say Papyrus was so ahead of it’s time, and many of those that worked at Papy, including
the founder went on to create iRacing, which I can’t really afford, or justify to the wife, or I would run over right now.

Forza PR (HYPE) always talks about how accurate everything is.
Well how about making the actual racing accurate, I admit the physics and driving model is truly amazing, but the
attention to on track racing details is really lacking.

You go from the beautifully detailed Foraz Vista, to a track with no flagman, no caution lights, no replay lap by lap data.
No telemetry to watch unless you have an Elgato card to record the race, you surely can’t watch telemetry while driving
and expect to concentrate on driving, might as well be text messaging while racing.

Come on Turn 10…yeah I know rain in FH2, that should have happened in this version of Forza 5, you were just so late to the game, and we’re suffering
(Lack of Tracks/Cars) being the early birds that were foolish to buy the Xbox One in the first place. Something I truly regret.

It drives me nuts that it never gets dirty.
Sorry for the rant, but it’s 11 years later, and the windshields got dirty in 2002.
So we have to wait until 2016 to see what’s missing in the next version…grrrrr.

Right now I’d take just a dirty windshield, I’ll keep waiting.


You should try chase view, then you wouldn’t have to worry about a dirty windscreen. Of course, then you have the added drag of the camera. So swings and roundabouts;)

Yeah when you watch vids of AC and see how well they have done the windscreen it’s a shame Forza’s still is not up to scratch. At least Forza 5 has a windscreen right enough since they didnt exist in other Forza games.

I’d just be happy if we weren’t forced to race at 7 am when the sun is right in your eyes.


On too many tracks it is hard to see braking points and pertinent information because the game has perhaps gone a little too lens flare happy on the wind screens. I know that sometimes it is hard to see when the sun is directly in front of you in the real world, but it’s really not that often and if you could wait 5 to 10 minutes and avoid it all for your race, most people would.

If Turn 10 Studios believe that they have done a good job and accurately represented the solar glare, perhaps the real solution could be to change the time of the races to make sure that every race isn’t a test of driving blind for those of us who chose to race in cockpit view.

As for your question regarding the wind screen getting dirty. Well, imagine ^, and now imagine how much harder it would be if it were dirty and there were even more particles on it to make visibility even worse. It wouldn’t be worth playing in cockpit view at which point why include it. I can only assume you’re hoping that the dirt would help make it easier to see in the extremely sunny conditions but that wouldn’t be the case.

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Surly dirt would take some of the glare away? Seems to be that way in AC.

Depends on what it is on your windscreen that is causing it to be dirty. some things would increase visibility while others would decrease it - either due to the increase in glare (such as finger prints, residue from cleaning material, water) or because now your windshield is dirty and you can’t see (such as dirt, mud, leaves).

Between this thread and a couple others I have seen here and in the FH2 subforum it seems that people want this as realistic as their cars. If you want that, just go drive your car or hop on down to the local race track. This is supposed to be a fun video game with all the fun and cool stuff that surrounds racing expensive cars without the little hindrances and high price tag.

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Because of lighting and other detrimental windshield effects I now only drive hood view.

I tried using the chase views and never really liked that style of driving. I do use hood view in NFS games where the driving isn’t as simulated and is definitely more arcade-y. In Forza, I haven’t been able to use bumper or hood view as much because I feel it doesn’t translate to me what the car is doing as much as I would like. When FM5 came out, I tried using cockpit view and unfortunately I am now hooked on it and find it less pleasant to use other views unless I absolutely have to - sometimes I will switch to chase for parts of a race to avoid collisions.

You can never have too much lens flair.
-----JJ Abrams

Obviously doesn’t drive a lot…