as I can see in some people videos of Forza 7 car list, when they want to rent a car, all the cars are auto upgraded and have PI for example A650, S799 etc.
I loved to free play in Forza 6, but in stock cars, without any updares. Please let me know if in Forza 7 I can drive a stock car in free play mode? thx
Yes you can, just force off upgrades in the advanced menu
Can this be done in the career mode as well? I hate upgrading cars and prefer stock ones too.
In what advanced menu?
it’s really good to hear that! thx for quick reply
No, sadly you can’t in career mode, as least as far as I’m aware
On the topic of free-play, can someone confirm that we can still set up races within divisions (Can-Am only, Modern GT only etc)? And when you do, is the starting grid random or sorted by PI?
Confirmed, and starting order can be by PI or other choices. Can check again soon.
Auto-upgraded rental cars? What was so wrong with the system we had before? Did anyone ask for this?
Disappointing about career too. I really liked FH3’s system where you can just drive whatever PI you want and the game will choose cars to match and was really hoping we would get that here.
It’s the homologation system, enabling all cars to compete in a free play race. You can turn it off. I like it this way.
Attax Johnson showed you can only order the grid by PI or random… No manual ordering.
I believe that’s Only private multiplayer lobbies…i see no grid option at all in freeplay.
Can you tell us how the grid orders itself once you start a race there?
Attax Johnson showed you can only order the grid by PI or random… No manual ordering.
Random is good if that’s the case. I just don’t want a field where you just end up with huge clumps of identical cars across the grid.