Hello all,
I am looking for a little help on this subject. I am new to forza 6, but have played forza 5. Does anyone else have the problem of racing in career mode and the first lap you do great, the second lap you might be leading by 1200ft. The third lap a drivatar is 20ft behind you and has caught up to you running amazingly fast. Then 1 mistake half way through and the other driver has passed you and is now 1200ft in front of you with now possible way to catch him. I have looked at the lap times and it seems to be anywhere from 2 to 30 seconds faster than me. Help?
The drivatar system doesnt work properly. Apparently they are working on it but dont get your hopes up.
I don’t have this problem. When I first did career. There were always 2 maybe 3that broke free from the pack. If I did well I would catch P1 if not I would be in 2nd no issues. The p1 guy would mess up on a turn about 60% of the time on last lap so it was a crap shoot.
I recently did career in compact classics and destroyed the AI on unbeatable. Destroyed them. So I can definately say not having the same issue. (Mods were slick (no STM/TCS and -15% grip for 50% payout and crew chief which gave me back +12% grip and another 50% pay out and my boost would be XP , or something- so basically ran the tune with -3% grip. No bonus from mods
I was a bit slow and placed second on endurance showcase with no tune in C7R at road Atlanta. (Same mods as above) and the c7r felt slippery then normal. I struggled a bit so placed 2nd in 40 laps and pretty sure that the AI didn’t pit. (Which I thought they would giving me a P1 but apparently that was fixed and the drivatars don’t put on cosmetic anymore?
If I had power engineer or no loss of grip I probably would have gotten 1st. I was about half the track behind 1st place Ferrari and had slightly slower lap times.
Admittedly I’m pretty fast in e class but I’m not remarkably fast, I’m still 1-2secs slower then the fastest guys
Which difficulty setting are you playing on?
That might have something to do with it
I play on Highly Skilled/Expert and don’t have this issue