Career - Completing challenges does not always grant the reward (1705776)

I completed the Power Tour races but showcase didn’t unlock and the Challenger for the showcase was not gifted. The trophy icon in the Power Tour box in the Builder’s Cup menu only shows three trophies instead of four. I am playing on a Series X.

Xbox Series X is my system.

Completed all series in the “Power Tour”. Try to enter the Power Reward Showcase and It says “Series Locked: Power Reward Showcase You do not have a D. Challenger 18 in your garage and cannot enter this event.”.

I do not even see that car available to buy unless I am misinterpreting what D. Challenger 18 is (presuming 2018 Dodge challenger).

Reporting this as a bug now.

I am enjoying the game but was hoping to complete most of the Tours before fully going online.

I have completed all races in the Prestige Tour but cannot complete the Reward Showcase event because it looks like I was not gifted the reward vehicle. I do not have the Lambo Sesto in my garage. I have attempted to completely restart the game, and this has done nothing. On Series X

Same for me too! Did even play the last series a second time but still the same!

Me too

Did anyone try playing the series again?
I assume this is a known issue?

Xbox series X builders cup mode.

I completed prestige tour and didn’t receive the showcase car. So I cannot proceed and complete the showcase race.

I verified that all series were complete, hard rebooted console, no luck. Anyone have a workaround for getting past this?

Same. All those races, no reward. Expires in two days.

Going to miss out on lambo sesto due to bug. I’ve already missed out on another. What’s one more?

Game progression is still a busted joke

I replayed the last nothing.
Replayed first 2 nothing.
Replayed the 3rd and the Lambo unlocked.

Definitely a bug in there somewhere, if anyone cares.

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Anch’io ho lo stesso problema, e segnalato anche al team di supporto ma non ho ancora avuto riscontro.
Ho provato a rifare la serie ma all’ultima tappa mi dice serie bloccata perché non ho la Lamborghini Sesto elemento nel garage :rage:

Thats pretty much all i can tell…remarkable is that the pictures of the single series all showed a golden cup and now - after a restart of fm - they show a green medal…

Yeah same here even i did it two times and still no car reward … sorry but nah i wont do it for third time …

I hope they from Turn10 are aware about this bug …

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Same here :frowning:

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Title says it all. I finished the challenge last week and never received the Murcialago, so now I can’t complete the rewards race. I’ve completely shut down the console several times but no updates. Xbox Series X, latest updates.

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I just repeat from first series (Lancia Delta) still not got it but once second series (Abarth 124) was finished i got Lambo

Even i did tried repeat only 4th series (Ferrari 430) few days ago and still nothing

So only solution i can give just try again every series until you got it

I don’t know if this is just because I live in Australia with crap internet and my game lost connection just as I was starting the showcase, or whether this is a known issue. But I went back to play the legacy tour showcase, and I got the attached error message that I can’t play because I don’t own the car. But I can’t buy the car from the auto show. So I literally can’t do anything with this.
Please fix.

When i finished the Italian Tour, i didnt receive the Lambo Murciélago as reward


Same. Completed series no Lamborghini reward. Extremely dissatisfied and dissapointed the day after being thrilled about the Ring addition.

Same here. Completed series and no Lambo. Not sure what I did wrong?

I got the Lambo this time, but I didn’t get the Pagani from the previous series. Seems to be a recurring theme.

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