3 Lambo Liveries but no Huracan

Hello all,

My son and I did the Lambo Rivals/League thing. I received 3 liveries and the Huracan. My son received 3 liveries from Rivals as well but did not receive the Huracan. Any ideas why?



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I also have this problem, 3 different Lambo liveries from season 1 but still no sign of a Huracan ST.

Same here. Which also means no Lamborghini Super Trofeo S2W1 League for me even though I can go into the races and watch, but I have no car available to me. What gives?

Same here except got the three liveries went out of state came back and all progress is gone. -_-

It might be you are only awarded one car per profile and one per family shared profile?

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We have individual Xbox Live accounts that are not shared with anyone. Thanks for throwing the idea out there!

Btw, Is this the forum the only support option for the game? I don’t mind being patient but if there is a quicker avenue I’d rather take it. :slight_smile:

The usual explanation for this is one of the gifted cars was a mistake.

So for those asking did you fulfill 3 of the requirements (note that only 1 rivals car per week is meant to count).


Ah so what you’re saying is Turn10 has just been trolls and gifting more than one car for one week, why those sly badgers.

Yup, 1 rivals completed each week. 1 Rivals livery per week.

Maybe your son at least can get the standard version.
Since season 2 week 1 ended already he won’t be able to get the final prize version …

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Thanks Noobertson!