Car pack prices

I dont want to be talking bad about forza cuz i like it alot but I dont like the prices for all the car packs.
Does anyone else think its alot of money for a few cars and some cars that we dont even like or want?
If there is a post about this already somewhere I cant find it and sorry for reposting.

Then wait till the next Forza Motorsport title is released where all of the current DLC vehicles are likely to be featured within the standard disc copy.

If a car pack is awesome, then its worth the $10. 10 cars for $1 each is a pretty good deal if you buy the entire pack. However, $3 to buy each car individually is just absurd.

I suppose it depends on how much you play but I bought the Car Pass the day I bought the game and have never questioned the purchase.

It’s a decent value and the only way I would personally do any DLC. It may go on sale again at some point, watch out for it.

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