I downloaded the game from the marketplace in the morning and everything has worked fine so far except for the fact that when I try to join an online session (road trip/free roam) it says unable to join session, please check internet connection and try again. I live in a college dorm and have wired internet so anything having to do with wireless is not the problem. My NAT type is open and I tested the multiplayer connection and it says nothing is wrong. I can connect to multiplayer on all my other games except horizon 2. Someone please help me fix this!
I have the same exact issue my NAT type is also OPEN. Im thinking its my OS since im in the dashboard preview program, I have the beta dashboard installed.
Still cant connect. Ugh.
Ya I have no idea why it isnt working. I get all the drivatar information and everything like that so I am definitely online but I just cannot connect to an online session. My friend also has a wired connection but his seems to work fine. I wish someone from forza would help us out D:
yeah me to i can t connect to online free roam
Havent been able to in demo nor the actual game. Hopefully a resolution comes soon to this problem.
They are probably fixing the issue with people who bought the car pass and vip, people who bought the ultimate edition including myself aren’t getting the content we payed for, so they are most likely fixing that issue right now.
I hope so, this kinda sucks Has anyone downloaded a patch before they started the game up? A friend told me there was a 400mb update when you start the game…i never had to do one.
I have been trying to play online for three hours and it keeps saying “installing content you are free to play while it completes” I have all day one stuff downloaded please fix or help. This really sucks
I been trying as well. It lets me play other online games but for some reason it tells me “unable to join and check your connection.”
Anyone found any solutions?
Yeah having the same issue and really annoying I already beat the single player since I couldn’t play online and my friends join and leave multiplayer sessions like its nothing we need a fix asap here some things that I tried that didn’t work I reset my router to factory defaults didn’t work i tried hard booting the xbox one didn’t work i also reset my internet settings in the xbox itself didn’t work every other game works fine i had the same issue on forza 5 and a patch came out in January to fix it so hopefully we don’t have to wait that long
Wow this is bad. Im kind of shocked the game has so many bugs…the online thing isn’t even my only problem. I think now my barnfind locations disappeared from the game and also my cars are making odd rev pitch sounds.
Dude, my cars are making horrible rev sounds, pretty frequently too. a few every minute on some cars.
Cant do anything online whatsoever. there’s a weird popping noise while in the garage that almost blows out the highs on my speakers.
the game is great it just needs smoothing out
Hey Turn 10! I love your games but this online thing is a real issue. Makes me feel cheated that I paid full price but can’t use this feature. Please fix it ASAP. I can’t connect to anything online. “Unable to join session…”
Having the same problem as the OP. It’s ridiculous that online multiplayer can’t be accessed with an open NAT and all ports forwarded correctly, with multiplayer working fine in other games.
At the end of races it says you have been disconnected from horizon2 please try again later
Phew i thought i was the only person having issues, I tried even playing privite online free roam, it would prompt you to join session, but same thing as you guys unable to join session check network connections or try again
[Mod Edit - Abbreviated profanity, profanity and profanity that is disguised but still alludes to the words are not permitted - D]
Any solution guys?
Just ran into another issue, most likely because of the online failing. It wont let me join a car club, will just say it failed to join.