Just got the game and having a blast, but I can’t connect online at all. I’ve tried several times and always receive the message “unable to join session, please check internet connection and try again”.
Here are the facts about my playing setup:
Xbox One version
NAT type is open
Router is Netgear JNR3210
Respond to ping is ON
Connected through wireless
Can play all my other games online, including Titanfall, Advanced Warfare, Plants vs Zombies, Forza 5 (go figure) and Killer Instinct
Games that work online have a very stable connection
Connection test on console gives me 14/9 D/U, 0% packet loss, 100% wireless strenght and 200ms latency
Does anyone have a workaround on this? As far as I’ve seen I’m on the latest update on both the game and the console. I’m also on the preview program.
Yes. I’m already used to hard resetting to solve problems on X1.
What worries me is that I found another thread with people complaining but it doesn’t seem that many people are having the problem so I’ll probably end up with no solution to this problem.
I’ll try that as a troubleshot but there’s no legitimate reason for that to be the problem. My router is close to the console and overall connection is very stable. As I said before all my other online games works flawlessly, even Forza 5.
Also on the other thread some people that are having this problem are on a wired connection.
I run into the same problem when I’m at school. I cannot connect to online at all to race but I can still receive gifts, daily payouts, etc… Although, at home everything works fine. Horizon 2 is the only game this happens to so far. Would like to know why
I’m having the same problem. This all started after the new update. Can’t join online session. Hope someone can figure this out cause i need to start drifting again.
I am having the exact issue. I’ve had horizon 2 on my Xbox one since the game came out, and since then I have never been able to connect online and says the same message at the top for me as well. This confuses me because I am able to play online just fine on every other game except horizon 2.