Can we do something about guys cutting tracks in MP?

it sucks when you’re faster than someone, you drive clean and they win because they cut sections off tracks, I understand I suck and I won’t win every race, I even understand I may get taken out at some point, but watching guys cut entire sections off tracks is bogus. This time it happened to me at the Le Mans track the entire last section the guy just cuts through

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Unfortunately, there will be always cheaters.Humans, you know… However, we (the clean drivers) must have in our minds that those idiots are mostly
people that have a stupid life and they cheat to try to have some advantage and to feel better in their stupid lifes. Therefore, even if you finish behind them,
you are far superior. Period.

I quite agree. You take the effort to stay on the track not bash into other racers etc and some ‘top driver’ takes a shortcut. Lordy the skill level makes me weep. Probably they run out of road cos they turned all their assists off (I’m sorry I needed a little whinge).

Big discussion already in this thread “Poor Drivers Online”