Sorry if this was already asked, but I don’t get it at all.
As far as I can tell there are:
- Elements on the map where you can select VS or COOP
- Team-Adventure
- Blueprint Events
- Rivals (Monthy, Select Discipline, Streetracing-Rivals, My Rivals?, Show Rivals)
So if I understand correctly the first one is meant to be played with friends in your session. Because there is no way someone in your current instance will play the same event, let alone 8 people.
The second one you can play with your friends versus another group of friends?
The blueprint events are just… settings for tracks by the community? What is the point? Are there at least high-score-lists for each blueprint?
Then rivals. I have no clue what this could be. And why are there so many different options? Is this even multiplayer?
Also there are clubs? Are those like clans? I see that in some clubs there are 2000 players. Again, whats the point? Does it have any advantage? Can you interact with the people in your club?
Where are regular lobbies I can join to race? Where are regular toplists for the tracks sorted by classes (D to S1)?
This is my first Forza game so maybe I am just not used to it yet.
Thanks alot! <3
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The whole multiplayer system is lacking a lot of the key features previous games had that the fans loved. In 3 you could join a public freeroam session or a private one and do events with friends. In 4 the Forza Live is essentially the same thing but it just tosses you in a random one with random people who probably aren’t interested in running such stuff where before you joined with the intent to do such things. Team Adventure is such garbage due to how it is set up most people are avoiding it and going back to 3 or only trying to race with friends, but this is a problem because Convoys seem to have issues joining each other sessions or at least this was the case the other night when out of 6 of us only 2 could get in the same session to even race together. Blue prints are exactly what you said. Community made races with different settings this is actually something they haven’t changed since the last game so it is actually working great. As for Clubs some of these clubs that you see with 2000 people and such are likely old clubs from previous games who have moved to 4. In previous clubs there was more to it such as a tiers for weekly xp that gave you a CR bonus. A message board, Club ranking etc. They left that out of the game and basically just piggybacked the Xbox club system which has none of the previous features. So pretty much if you want a good Forza Horizon Game go check out 1, 2, and 3. After you see some of the system setup in those and come to 4 you’ll see why there is such an outcry and outrage a the current multiplayer setup. As I said the only thing I haven’t seen anyone complain about that you mentioned above is blueprints and that is due to the fact PG didn’t change anything in it. They left it as it was.