Multiplayer Matchmaking?

Does the multiplayer have any matchmaking techniques, or is it just randomly joining a game? Also I’m talking about the ‘regular’ version of multiplayer, not the ‘competitive’ one, which I can’t seem to get to load, it just keeps looking for a match perpetually, or it starts to join one and then disconnects - is this feature working? Also I love how they nerfed collisions from FH3, so you don’t slide when you get bumped, and it seems like there’s less bumping and defense against bumping and more racing. Also is there any chance we could matchmake on loading times too, I have an SSD that I run the game from and single player loads instantly, while multiplayer loads often take a while, and I assume I’m waiting for the slowest player to load from their HDD. Also any chance of reducing the wait time between multiplayer rounds? Maybe get rid of the wheelspin, that takes a while, and just have the wheelspin done from the menu later, along with any other delays. Also there’s a lot of ‘glitching’, not always but sometimes I see cars kind of flicker and warp around, is this a network issue or a hacking issue or what? Also loving the multiplayer, it’s just so much more dynamic than the predictably boring AI. Also I’m starting to get familiar with some of the multiplayer courses, I’m at about level 80 so far mostly in multiplayer, are they going to add tracks/routes from the world map to make more race maps in multiplayer? Thanks.

Sorry if I was rambling, just a lot of thoughts on the game.