Just noticed a pretty big oversight with how car interiors are modeled in conjunction with the available “Camera Shake” options.
In some cars, with the motion effects set to either normal or off (which also moves the camera back a little and broadens the FOV slightly) you can spot missing interior parts or sometimes the camera is clipping through the a pillar or roof.
One specific example I have (so that you guys can test it out for yourselves) would be in the 2002 Chevrolet Corvette Z06’s interior with the “Camera Motion” effect (found under the HUD Settings) set to “Off”, which will make the steering column disappear entirely and allow you to see through the dash onto the track.
I consider this a major bug and it should be fixed, since it ruins the immersion big time!
There are other cars with similar problems, where your camera collision (so-to-speak) interferes with the interior model of the car and causes problems like missing a-pillars or the camera clipping right through the roof.
I don’t know how this got through quality control, but as long as it’s getting fixed at some point, I’ll give T10 a free pass on that one.
Still sucks to see FM7 to be in such a rough shape, especially compared to all the previous Forza titles, which had not nearly as many problems at around their respective release dates.
as much as i love roasting fm7 for it’s immense amount of bugs this one is not present, at least not on the version i’m playing, PC, then again i don’t think you know what steering column even means? do you mean a steering wheel, it’s there, steering column usually visible on much older cars, buses or trucks or racing cars
are you sure you not selecting dash cam, it has no steering
Added a screenshot, something you people almost never do https://imgur.com/a/2JNNe and added some real corvette interior as a comparison, sure it’s a different model, but all corvettes look the same from that time
First of all - I sure know what a steering column is, but that’s not the point here.
Yes, you are right, the problem is with the so-called “Driver” view.
Select that view, go to the HUD Settings and for the Camera-Motion effects select “Off” - go back to the game and you can clearly see, that the entire column is missing, giving you a clear view of the track ahead, with a big fat hole appearing where the column should be.
So better make sure you understand peoples’ posts before trying to correct them or say they’re wrong or don’t know about something.
It happened on both XBox One + PC (and multiple PC’s at that!).
I don’t report bugs just for fun here bud…
(And there’s no need to link pics of C5 interiors to show me what it looks like here - I happen to own an 03 Z06 myself, so I know what the interior of one looks like.)
You didn’t specify which camera you were using and you didn’t bother to make a screenshot which is easy to do in our time of tech, so yeah problem is there if you use a dashboard camera, which i don’t understand why it even exist, it destroys whole immersion, unless you play with the wheel, then again i’d still use the normal cockpit view because fov is too narrow in that mode and makes me dizzy after a couple of laps
I do indeed use a wheel and a Triple Monitor setup, which restores the FOV for the most part to make it more immersive and realistic, but to each their own.
I didn’t post a picture, but with only 2 interior views available and a detailed description I figured, people would be able to reproduce it easily and without much trouble.
Also no, it is not a problem when you select the “Simulation” Setting for the “Camera Motion” effect - go check it out if you don’t believe me.
They should have allowed the player to disable the steering wheel + hands in the regular Cockpit view.
Would have been much easier imho.
And no need to tell me how easy it is to take and share pics. As you can see in my post above, I know how to do it, but simply didn’t think it was necessary.
Yeah i checked and edited my post, then again i always disable the vomit comet effects in any game, including motion blur.
You seems to be pretty poisonous [Mod Edit - Abbreviated profanity, profanity and profanity that is disguised but still alludes to the words are not permitted - D] so i leave you at that, “no need to tell me what to do” major stinky pants, [Mod Edit - Abbreviated profanity, profanity and profanity that is disguised but still alludes to the words are not permitted - D] i’m old but you are ancient [Mod Edit - Abbreviated profanity, profanity and profanity that is disguised but still alludes to the words are not permitted - D]
Same here, which is the reason I noticed it so quickly and why it bothers me so much.
I don’t want the camera shake, but once I disable it, it ruins the immersion with that huge hole in the dash.
Since it still wasn’t fixed in the newest update, could you guys please add that to the known issues list?
It’s my go-to car and having those major clipping issues and camera glitches in the driver’s view, really sucks.
Problem description :
Car : 2003 Chevrolet Corvette Z06
Type of Problem : In the driver’s view, with camera-motion effects set to off or normal, you can see a big hole, where the steering column should be.
You basically have a clear view of the road ahead, through your dashboard, which ruins the immersion.
Condition : You need to go to the “Driver” view and set the “Camera Motion Effects” under the HUD-options menu to either “Normal” or “Off”.