Some Replay Problems

When watching a replay the steering wheel doesn´t move in cockpit view, is that a confirmed bug of the game?
Also i tried to set some replays online but my community page says: Error Retrieving Videos. No Results Found
all the time. Pics are working good.
Any help please?

Am I the only one with these problems? Please let me know, thanks.

I think alot of people know of this bug its only when you use outside views for some reason while racing also the driver doesn’t move his body noticed this 1 last night while drifting with a friend his driver moved its head while sideways mine just looked like he was looking forward drifting blind lol .

I don´t know if I was precise enough in my initial question.
I always race in 1st person cockpit view. After the race I saved the replay from that.
When I watch it and go to the 1st person cockpit view camera the steering wheel does not move at all.
Sure that has to be a bug therefore i would like to go sure that this is a confirmed bug and that I don´t have a problem for myself.
I searched the forums for this but didn´t found an answer.

The other problem is that when i upload the replay in Forza it does not appear on my community gallery page.
Pics are working fine but the replay videos are not going to show up. Does anybody have that problem too or am i doing something wrong?

Thanks for your answers.

Nobody has any idea?

I too am new and have both posted and private videos that do not appear both on this site and the XBox 1. I was looking for what needs to be done differently to be able to see them on the PC.

You are not the only one with this problem… it happens on mine as well but not all the time. I thought it might have something to do with using the steering wheel (TX), are you using one too?