After downloading the latest update, can somebody please explain why the cars are darting around when you hit the corners (not smooth) in the replay mode.Forza has always had great replays. It’s starting to remind me of another so called racing game!!!
30fps and probably the drivers are using controllers. Wheel guys tend to be smoother in the corners. Controller users you can see the cars twitch.
It’s true i got wheel and look smooth in the coner but soon i’m getting out going straight i can still see my front wheel still turning this replays need to get fix!!! this the first forza have bad replay. I think it’s the cloud thing cuz sometime the replays says download failed they look so horrible
You’ll have to be a bit more specific - i.e. is it just your car in replays or all cars? When exactly do you notice it in the replays when a corner approaches?
It could be the mini-frame hiccup that was also present in FM5 race and replays - much more rare in Fm6, it makes an appearance now and then. Nothing game-breaking, probably due to a minor memory leak and the game hogging the hardware.
Enjoy the game man, ain’t no biggie!