Object Rattle Effect in Cockpit View (video examples) - Please Fix This

First off, let me start off by saying this. I rarely get on forums to read what’s going on, let alone make a post. However, I feel so strongly about this topic that I felt the urge to get on here and share my opinions.

Forza 7 is a great game. Sounds are AMAZING, visuals are great, the car handling seems improved, etc. The one thing I cannot stand is the windshield wiper, rearview mirror, side mirror, shifter knob, etc. rattle.

No offense to the devs, but this looks absolutely ridiculous. There’s no other way to describe it other than dumb. It just comes off as a sloppy feature that someone thought was a good idea but they didn’t see it through; it’s half assed. I’ll give you the fact that there’s probably some rattle going on in race cars when you’re going at a high speed and you’re racing on a bumpy track. But again, the way this “feature” was implemented into the game was done poorly. It shouldn’t have been included because it really does take away from the overall experience. I can be driving on a perfectly smooth track, such as Daytona in the videos below, yet my car will appear as if it’s about to fall apart.

I am a driver who plays exclusively using the cockpit view, and although I know I’m probably in the minority on that, I also know I’m not the only one. There are certain cars where it is unbelievable how much certain objects are rattling. The shifter knob on the Audi S3 touring car is particularly bad. Any car that has a visible rearview mirror is bad. I could go on for days. Just look at the examples below if you’re not sure how bad this is.

Maybe the time it took to create this feature should have been used to make sure the shifting mechanic actually works…or maybe you just wanted the driver to appear to be a jedi and they could shift the car by just hovering their hand in the general vicinity of a shift knob, or better yet, not even move their hand off the wheel at all…

Please please please please please do something to fix this or at least allow the option to turn this nonsense off.

Example 1 - Audi S3
Example 2 - BMW


That’s so bad that I wouldn’t even have noticed it if it wasn’t pointed out.

Its too over the top. I have the 2014 BTCC season review and the Audi is used for showing a lap of each circuit, and the amount of movement is barely noticeable to the point you wouldn’t have noticed if you weren’t looking specifically. There are many BTCC pole laps and general racecar onboards on YouTube that go against the Forza design choice. Also the animation is not how a sequential shifter works either but I think its easier to list the cars with correct shifting animations

In some race cars where mirrors are held on with thin bits of carbon fibre, and some with tubing or wires on the dash flapping around, it’s fine and makes sense. But on most cars, especially road cars with bulky, well attached mirrors, and at lower speeds, it is a bit over the top. It’s not really distracting me but on long straights etc wherr my eyes have time to wander, it is overly noticeable.

Agreed, this wobbling has to go. It reminds me too much of NFS Shift.

Don’t ever remember seeing rear-view or side-view mirrors wobbling like this at 50 mph on a race OR road car.