Bump drafting, caution

Forza you need to fix the bump drafting in this expansion pack of Nascar you gave us a good expansion no lets make in great when we the bump draft the way it should be done the bumper loose 10 to 15 miles an hour and if you have damage on you and the car you hit gets damage you need to fix this. The drafting itself works great also in the draft you can not run clean laps this is a easy fix. we also need a option to put on caution laps this might be harder can you guys try

The game simulates tandem drafting. The bumper doesn’t lose speed as result.

Damage is fine with bump drafting. It doesn’t hurt the cars in real life because the bumpers are reinforced. And even when the cars are damaged in real life they can still challenge for win as long as they are in draft.

Drafting is supposed to dirty laps. It’s to prevent cheating on leaderboards.


Don’t take this the wrong way people like you who like to compare real life and Forza drive me nuts when was the last time you saw a Honda civic beat vet only in Forza lets get real and yes bump drafting does damage your car not all the time I race in a big group we had to take of damage because of bump drafting and yes you do lose mph like 10 to 15 (I am not talking about drafting) As per dirty laps in is not cheating if everyone is doing it
P.S look me up and come racing we run clean races I am on after 10:00 pm eastern

There is a legitimate glitch though where if you bump draft someone you clip into their car and they dont even know you hit them but you take 100% everything damage. So there is a problem that needs to be fixed.

Many top NASCAR drivers have petitioned to stop bump drafting, because of the danger it presents to the bumped car.
We already know that the contact physics in FM6 are more sensitive than in real life. Bump drafting is going to become an excuse for punting, if it hasn’t already.
There really isn’t any reason to intentionally initiate contact in FM6.
^^^my opinion ^^^ you are certainly entitled to yours.


Old Hippie when we race Nascar we try to race the same way Nascar does we even do yellow flags I am not trying to start shet just trying to make the Nascar part of the game better for those who race like we do. What is so hard to put in like yellow flags better bump drafting options in private lobby’s

Nothing is wrong with it at all. What you are asking for jay not ever happens, but yes, you should request what you want to see happen with the game.
Since it is a wish list of content, you must get want to have this thread moved there.

But you can settle down with your messaging and relax. All I did was offer my opinion about bump drafting. I also added that top NASCAR drivers have petitioned to stop bump drafting, because the bumped car often loses control and sustains damage. Sometimes it causes severe damage to drivers who should never have been effected.
The contact physics in FM6 is very sensitive and not conducive to effective/safe bump drafting

Bump Drafting is not usually done in corners when it pertains to the real world because the car just becomes way too unstable. But, bump Drafting occurs when 2 cars are going relatively the same speed nose to tail and the rear car because of the vacuum created nudges the lead car ahead. Even in NASCAR of course hitting the rear of another car is frowned upon if you are simply going too fast and slam the other car from a great distance and speed difference from behind. So the difference between the 2 cars speed is what ultimately determines the outcome of the contact. Either barely no damage and just a nudge to push you ahead. Or a slam from a car travelling much faster than you and then you possibly go spinning and crashing and prolly taking others with you.

Also part of things that could cause potential problems are the differences in speed that some people have built into their car and the lack of speed some cars have. There are so many cars in league races at Daytona that are several seconds off from the lead cars. This usually doesn’t happen in Cup racing with 40 cars running just fractions of seconds slower or faster than others. Hence the reason you see the large pack racing at Daytona and Talladega.

Also it looks as though damage has been shut off in the Oval League races.

I am going to quote myself because I thought of something does it really matter if the car receive’s damage in-game if you wreck? Not really IMO because unless you have a huge lead you are going to lose too much ground.

Another thing ii I was playing yesterday at Daytona and was drafting with another player and on lap 14 out of 15 I hit him going into turn 2. Now I don’t know what happened but, I was following him for most of the race and was fast enough I kept dragging the brake and able to keep from hitting him. But, I swear he brake checked me because the way the car looked. But, it could have very well been lag or latency is what caused the hit. It was no big deal though because we didn’t wreck and actually it moved him ahead of me a good bit. I was still able to catch him and pass him though on the final lap.

So latency and lag could possibly be a real problem or not, if bump drafting worked like it would in the real world. So which one would be better in this case?

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I will say since they updated this game with nascar I have yet to get a good draft let a lone a perfect draft.

did they take this out of the main game? (I haven’t played any of the nascar expansion yet, now working through porche)

Old HIppie maybe you missed the part where i explained that your car’s hitbox clips into the others. Im not talking about slamming into someone and hitting them causing damage. Im not talking about going into someoen with too much speed for a proper bump draft either. Im talking about being almost the exact same speed creeping up to someone and then as you get to their back end your front end clips into theirs as in the invisible hitbox goes into their invisible hit box and it shoots you back out as part of all games codes and it causes massive damage. its real. its a thing and i think that is what OP was getting at…

I understand bump drafting, and tandem drafting as well as regular drafting. I understand the physics of it, what dirty air and clean air are, and I understand what it means to steal someone’s air, and literally lift their back end by stealing that air. I understand why NASCAR drivers do all of it, and in my opinion, it’s going to get someone killed.
As far as bump drafting in FM6, I am totally against it. In my opinion we already have enough wannabe racers bumping people off the track, and calling it bump drafting.
I’m sure your intentions are pure, and all you want to do is make NASCAR more like NASCAR.
But FM6 isn’t NASCAR. The physics are different, the builds and setups are much different, and in FM6 it’s easy to damage a cars rear downforce or rear suspension , with a small bump. When you add the contact physics in FM6 to a game where 90% of the plates haven’t a clue about how to properly bump draft. You are asking for a whole lot of angry players.
Again, My opinion. But, I got a tap today during the start at Prague. The small tap destroyed my right rear suspension and my rear downforce. I was forced to pit right away during a 12 lap race (after limping back to the pits). How much damage will you all consider to be fair?

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Im pretty sure in like november they altered the collision physics when hitting someone in the rear. It was to combat punting people, im not sure if it reduced the impact for the reciever of the hit, or enhanced the impact for hitter but something was changed. I dont know if theres a place on here to check past updates but im pretty positive it was done. Odds are if it was done to combat crashers i highly doubt they’d reverse it because of the nascar expansion, theres just not enough people that own it and its only a viable tactic in a handful of races.

So why can’t T10 or Forza fix it for private lobby’s so we can turn it on or off, like dump drafting, caution, ect. like the way they did it fir damage and the one’s that don’t like don’t have to race. This way it win win for everyone. I know in our group we try different things and help new comers to Forza on how to race clean so if there are more groups likes ours and I know that there are I don’t see how this will be a problem or am I missing something

Or just fix/return it to how it was, i get that they want nascar to have days of thunder like incidents, but it’s silly when you’re in ferraris on prague.

I don’t bump draft because of all of the reports I have been reading in the forums and from everyone in lobbies and leagues. What I am seeing is cars being followed by 50 to 100 feet will suddenly stop on track at Homestead Oval and the car right behind will hit that car and fly into the air. There was no bump drafting and no warning. In a 1h 15m private race this happend every 5 to 10 minutes and it would wreck the most of the field with nowhere to go.

I think it is lag and if your following a car on Homestead it can be in front of you then disappear and reappear at your front bumper not moving. This happens in a split second. It did not matter how far or how close you were to that car in front of you. This makes good close Nascar Oval racing almost impossible to go more than 8 to 10 laps. I’m off to report this in the support section.

Yes I will agree with the lag issue. There was a player today that was lagging all over the place. And of course they were not running good at all. And if somebody tried to pass the lagging person. It would cause the person who was trying to pass them to appear to stop in the middle of the track. Of course this happens to me at Daytona and the guy that was drafting behind me slammed into my lagged out car. I didn’t know he hit me or anything. Of course I got screamed at. Until I explained to him it is kinda impossible to come to a complete stop from 230+ in a instant. And then of course it happened again to someone else.

It was the worse lag I have ever saw in a long time.