Bump drafting not working

You cannot bump draft with the NASCAR it will destroy the car who taps the back bumper. can we get a fix for this please?


Yup. It also shoots the player backwards.

Bump drafting is pretty important in stock car racing.


It should be noted this is occurs in multiplayer as an anti-grief measure. It’s been an issue for awhile, but specifically now with NASCAR and how it affects the dynamic of oval racing. I’ve always thought it was a misstep with good intentions because if I really wanted to wreck someone, it would not be from a tap to the rear.


Bump drafting doesn’t work. The anti-grief need to be a setting for the lobby owner. Or group would love to turn it off.

Drafting in general doesn’t work at Daytona. The advantage of running in the draft at Daytona is miniscule. Look up one video of a NASCAR race at Daytona. If a car is 150ft behind at the beginning of the back straight he is passing the car in front of him by the end of the straight. In forza you get maybe a 1mph difference and gain 10ft. It isn’t just the NASCARs either. No cars get a good run at Daytona. A slingshot pass at Daytona is impossible because up can’t get a run.

Run the same cars at Indy and the draft has much more of an effect. Something is wrong with Daytona that needs to be fixed.


Please fix this issue, it kind of pointless to have ovals if your not allowed to do this…or am i the only one who feels this way?? I mean come on, cant be that hard to fix. How can you have daytona and nascars but not allow bump drafting??? Very disappointed.

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Agreed. My first race at Daytona I lined up behind someone on the outside line to help push our lane forward, and the results were not as expected. We need to be able to get on the bumper of the car in front of us and have there be a real effect in the racing lanes.

Also, as Viking N7 mentions above, on a track like Daytona a group of cars running together would easily catch and overtake a lone car who is running out in front on his own. One of the most intense parts of watching a NASCAR race on Daytona is how the leader has to strategically drive his car based on the movement of the cars behind him, otherwise he gets left out to dry.

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This “anti-grief” deal needs to be on a toggle switch for private lobbies just like the quick stops and damage is. I sort of understand it for public lobbies, but private lobbies shouldn’t be forced to deal with it.

I run an endurance league and we are contemplating switching back to FM5 just to get away from this invisible bubble cr@p. You know it’s a big deal when 20+ racers are willing to give up all the new tracks and the expansion packs just to have a more realistic on track experience.

I refuse to believe adding a toggle could really be that difficult. It’s something that should be able to be addressed within a day.


Does Turn 10 read these forums? Would just like a reply to the issue as stated above. Our next season of races will start in June and would like to know which platform we’ll have to go with.

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Bueller? Bueller?

I completely agree. This is and has been an issue since Forza 6 was initially released. Further, I agree it was an attempt to have the game “sheriff” public rooms for race incidents due to inexperienced, careless or even malicious drivers. But as the post above, how contact is managed and how damaged is assessed needs to be a functional setting in private rooms.

For those of us who run in leagues with talented and trusted drivers, there is a very real part of racing that requires contact to either let the driver in front know you’re there or in final laps to “move” them a half a lane to get around them. Driving etiquette demands contact… without the chasing driver being damaged excessively. It has been my experience in the game that Forza 2 through Forza 5 had a considerably more realistic physics contact model. I’ve seen a 5-10mph bump in Forza 6, throw the chase car back 50 ft and produce 100% damage on aero, brakes, suspension and oddly, even the rear of the car. (Although, the rear damage from a front contact has been patched in one of the Forza 6 updates.

Please-- if anyone is reading this at all, please consider reverting how contact is being assessed-- or at least, in private lobbies and provide a setting option.

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Can you guys in this thread try something for me. It seemed to allow bump drafting as long as you weren’t overly aggressive with it.

Start NASCAR multiplayer
Create private match
Leave collisions on default

We were able to do some bumping at Indy oval and Daytona. Anything more than about a 5mph difference still did the bubble thing, and it only worked of both guys were on the throttle.

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I have been enjoying the nascar expansion, homestead is a pretty great track for oval racing on this game, its actually the most fun of the 3 in my opinion. In my honest opinion, I believe that Daytona is by far the worst, when it should be the closest/best racing. I understand that it is extremely difficult for a larger group of people to hold a line and draft with controllers, but I run with a group of pretty skilled people who know how to race.

My issue, which has existed before this pack, is that probably more than 50% of the time you even tap the car in front of you, you get glitched/lagged/whatever you want to call it and lose speed. This is gamebreaking and I cannot express how frustrating it is for us to finally get to run in a pack and once somebody grazes a bumper they go from 200 to 150 and the field wrecks. This is not only an issue on Daytona, but everywhere. It is only exaggerated on Daytona because of how close the field should be.

I have heard whispers around that people have said it works fine, but in every race I have been in, somebody is getting the bump draft glitch. I figured I would bring this up now because with the nascar expansion, it has just been magnified.

Please Turn 10, try to do something about this. I figure it is because of lag or latency in multiplayer, but it has never really been like this before in other forza games. I hope you guys all feel as passionately about this issue as I do.


To the top

Nobody’s listening.

I want this to be fixed more than anything else in this game. This message is essentially a bump lol. We need to be able to bump draft. In fact, its not even the intentional bump draft 80% of the time that gets you in trouble, its the fact that you get a run on the guy and there is just nowhere else to go and smack. Its ridiculous.

Could a mod speak to whether this even on the list of stuff to be corrected.

As if it hasn’t been long enough to address this… And even worse, still no moderator, Turn 10 or MS Studios response or acknowledgement of this issue. It completely baffles me why the game developers would take away features that have previously existed or change the physics in such a successful franchise.

Frankly, I just don’t know or understand how people can keep their jobs at the development studio for doing such a poor job-- on any of the project teams; planning, pre-production, production, testing or even the social media team who cannot respond or deliver this message to those in charge.

It is truly disappointing. And what’s even better with this business model-- is I’ll continue to play, I’ll continue to pay for DLC, and I’ll continue to buy the new game every couple of years. Well done…

If anyone is out there listening-- and you have a position of power and can affect change in the game’s continued development, please listen to the people who play the game. Listen to Forza evangelists. Listen to the veteran players who have supported and enjoyed the game for many, many years.

Anyway, whatever.

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